Page 152 of Secret Vendettay
Inside the room that was hidden within Hunter’s main closet was another closet of sorts, and just as strangely, located on the far side of that wall, was another concealed door. Also ajar.
The heavy wooden panel creaked open, revealing a desolate space where a smattering of dust particles swirled lazily in the meager light. An unsettling chill raised goose bumps on my skin as I grabbed the cold iron banister of a spiral staircase that corkscrewed downward into an abyss of blackness.
A slight amber glow at the bottom revealed the steps went roughly three stories down.
The quietness hanging heavy in the air was not the tranquil silence of peaceful solitude; it was the eerie hush of a crypt, where rumbles of distant voices once again echoed up the chamber.
I couldn’t make out what they were saying, but there were two different voices for sure.
With needles stabbing my veins from adrenaline, I clutched the cologne bottle and started walking down the steps as quietly as possible. Trying to conceal my presence from the guy who was hurting Hunter.
Idrew my blade to his jugular this time.
“You’d better start talking.”
Franco’s chest heaved up and down as he stared at me, likely calculating his next move.
“If I tell you, you let me go.”
Not a chance. “Sure.”
He gritted his teeth. “You’re lying.”
“What’s the man’s name?”
“I’m not saying a word untilafteryou let me go.”
Well, this was a damn pickle, now wasn’t it? I guess I would have to torture Franco Hopkins slower than I intended; the dude already had two torn ACLs and two missing ears. Apparently, that wasn’t motivation enough.
“Name.” I pointed the blade to his throat.
He tilted his face to give me better access. “Go ahead. I die? So does the information that could save her.”
My hand would not stop shaking. But just as I reached the last step, the men’s voices suddenly became much clearer. They were coming from the end of a tunnel that sat at the base of the staircase.
The faint amber glow of lamps struggled against the repressive gloom, their light dancing off the rough stone walls and floor. The chilly air was heavy with the scent of damp, saturated earth, a grimy aroma that clung to my nostrils and made me shiver.
My heart pounded a frantic rhythm in my chest as I tiptoed carefully, making sure my footsteps were as silent as a mouse’s whisper. I clutched my makeshift weapon tighter, the cold perspiration on my palms making the grip slippery as I walked ever so slowly through the ominous corridor, fully prepared to take on whoever was hurting my boyfriend.
I would save Hunter or die trying.
I kept walking through my panic, kept allowing the voices to grow louder, as a light grew brighter, the closer I got. The tunnel had to be a hundred feet long—an eternity when walking as quickly as possible, yet having to go slow enough to stay silent.
I rounded the corner and froze.
The scene before me was far more horrific and shocking than I could’ve imagined. I couldn’t wrap my head around what I was witnessing, because the picture before my eyes was so warped and twisted and unreal that my mind struggled to process it.
A man was sitting in a chair, bloodied. His ears were missing, blood seeping down his neck, while another man stood over him with a knife to his throat.
But the positions were wrong.