Page 108 of Sandman
Their long walks seemed to be working, but only time would tell.
As for Solomon and me, we slid back into our own lives as if nothing happened. I started a new book, which Solomon loved... TheGreat Gatsby. He couldn’t wait to see how it all ended.
Coming out of Soleil’s bedroom, I found Solomon waiting in the hall for me, smiling as he held a nice throw blanket in his hands.
“What’s that for?”
“It’s gonna get chilly tonight.”
“Is it?” I smirked, walking past him into our bedroom across the hall in the new clubhouse. With the clubhouse built and Reaper home, I asked if we could have two rooms until Smoke and Hangman finished our house, giving Reaper the privacy he needed with Emma and Jesse.
“Phantom told me there is going to be a meteor shower tonight.”
“And you want to sleep in the treehouse and watch it?”
Solomon nodded happily.
“Who’s gonna watch Soleil?”
Seeing his excitement, I grinned. “All right. Let me get some warm pajamas on first.”
A few minutes later, Solomon and I snuck out of the clubhouse and headed for his treehouse. It was quickly becoming our home away from home. I mustadmit, I really enjoyed sleeping under the stars as Solomon held me to him.
Climbing the ladder up into his treehouse, I gasped when I saw the small place filled with wildflowers and twinkling lights. Slowly turning around so I could see everything, Solomon whispered, “I wanted to thank you for everything you’ve done for me. I know living with me isn’t easy and you’ve never complained once. I just wanted to show you how much I appreciate and love you. Because I do Sunny. I love you very much.”
Walking over, I hugged him, laying my head against his chest as I listened to his heartbeat and whispered, “I love you too, my strong Solomon. Always.”
Three weeks later,
“Okay,” Player said, looking at the legal pad in front of him. “So, this is the new lineup. Bullseye has begrudgingly and reluctantly accepted the VP position.”
Bullseye growled, mumbling to himself as brothers hid their smiles.
Everyone knew Bullseye didn’t want the responsibility.
Cranky bastard was still butthurt because he had to play Prez for a year.
He would never let me forget that.
“Massacre, you’re the new Sergeant at Arms.”
“That’s right, you fuckers,” the big man grinned from ear to ear, rubbing his hands in glee as brothers moaned loudly while a few flipped him the one finger bird.
“Matrix is still the treasurer,” Player stated as Matrix nodded.
“I’m still the Secretary and Phantom is Intel. That just leaves the enforcer position.”
“Mine,” Sandman growled from the corner of the room.
Everyone ignored him as Player added, “Still need a volunteer to work with Sandman.”
“Agreed,” I said nodding. “Sorry brother, but we’re not leaving you alone with anyone.”