Page 109 of Sandman
While I knew Sandman was more than capable of doing the job, he still went off the rails when faced with his darkness. The lovable brother would always have a hankering for blood, but it was our job to rein him in.
“I can work with him,” Ravage said, speaking up, looking at Sandman, asking. “You okay with that, Solomon?”
Sandman nodded as Bullseye’s head snapped up. “You sure about that, Ravage?”
“Got no problem, as long as no one questions my methods.”
“That’s not what I meant, and you know it.”
“You saying I can’t do it, VP?” Ravage challenged.
“No,” Bullseye shook his head. “Not saying that.”
“Then what is your problem?”
Bullseye narrowed his eyes and growled, “You know what the problem is, Ravage.”
Ravage sighed. “I can control it.”
I understood Bullseye was worried about his cousin.
Most of us knew of Ravage’s past, and while it wasn’t as colorful as Sandman’s, it was damn close. The man was deadly and proficient with his machete, which he always kept close.
He was also one of the best trackers in the world.
There was no one who would escape Ravage when he was on their trail.
“Job’s yours,” I said, putting an end to this argument as Bullseye looked questioningly at me. Sighing, I added, “If you have a better idea, Bullseye, speak up because it’s one job no one really wants, except Sandman. And we all know Sandman needs a babysitter.”
The big man growled, stepping out of the shadows.
Rolling my eyes, I held up my hand. “Bad choice of words, brother. Sorry.”
“You really want to put two highly trained killers in the same room together?”
“For the record,” Ravage grinned. “Sandman has killed more than me.”
Sandman nodded, crossing his arms over his chest, glaring.
“It’s settled, Bullseye. Get used to it,” I added, halting anything more he was about to say as I turned back to Player, motioning for him to continue.
“Stitch will arrive next week. The infirmary is ready for him. Also, Massacre and I got word from our cousin Axel. He will be here next month. Aunt Maria has agreed to the move.”
“Sounds good. Any word from Viper or Bayou?”
“Reached out to the Bourbon Kings. Gator sent Juju after them.”
“Anything else?”
“Just one more thing.”
“Which is?”
Player gulped, slowly looking around the room before continuing. “Your punishment.”
Every brother slowly rose to their feet, grinning.
“Excuse me?” I said in shock as I looked at all my brothers, who were all now standing, looking at me. This was the first church meeting in the new clubhouse. The clubhouse turned out better than I thought. Bigger, stronger,and secure. It rivaled the Tennessee club. With perimeter fences and security everywhere, the club and the grounds were a fortress.