Page 110 of Sandman
More importantly, it was safe.
The town of Purgatory happily welcomed the club and the brothers back into the community. Of course, it helped when Matrix dropped a huge donation for the public school system. With half of the club kids in school, he felt it would go a long way to ease tensions.
He was right.
The new sheriff even drove out along with his two deputies, wanting to introduce himself. He had heard what our club did to help bring down theSocietyand offered to help us in any way possible. While he knew some of the things we’d done weren’t completely legal, he offered to look the other way if it got the guilty off the streets.
Purgatory was a clean town and he wanted to keep it that way.
I did too.
Sitting up, I looked at my brothers, narrowing my eyes.
“What punishment?” I growled.
Bullseye smiled happily, stating, “Per club rules, the President of the Golden Skulls is not above any brother. He leads by example. If his actions or decisions harms the club, a brother or woman affiliated with the club, the President will receive punishment in two forms. One, he will subject himself to the Golden lineup, allowing every patched member in the club one hit. Two, the President will pay restitution to those who he harmed.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me!” I shouted, jumping to my feet. “You all want to take a whack at me!”
Everyone smiled happily, nodding.
“And more,” Bullseye grinned. “Because that’s just the first part of your punishment. There is also the restitution that needs to be paid.”
“What restitution?” I sneered.
“Well, first off, there is the shit you put Massacre through.”
“That motherfucker volunteered!”
“Then there is forcing me to do your job.”
“There was no one else, asshole. You really wanted to force Sandman into the Prez position?”
The big man growled from the shadows.
“What about Remi?” Bullseye challenged.
I whispered, “She’s not here. I can’t pay restitution to someone who isn’t here.”
“No, but you can to all of us. Face it, Reaper. You fucked up by not including all of us. You yourselfsaid no more lies, no more secrets. You went back on your word and for that alone, you will face the Golden Lineup. Maybe this time, it will sink in. This club isn’t just one man. We are a brotherhood. A family. We all work together as one.”
Bullseye was right.
They all were.
I fucked up again and that was on me. I hurt my brothers, endangered them, but more importantly, I destroyed the one woman who believed and trusted me the most.
For that alone, I deserved much more.
“Fine,” I growled. “When do you want to do this?”
“Now,” Sandman grumbled, leading the way out of church as the rest of the brothers followed. Bullseye walked over to me, slapping me on my back. “Just be happy we’re not back at the Tennessee Chapter, ‘cause Digger wanted you to walk blindfolded in the back forty and if you survived, Stella had plans for your ass.”
I cringed at that.
Stella was mean as hell when pissed.
Following me out into the common room of the new clubhouse, I saw that all the members lined up in a circle, waiting eagerly to take their turn. Walking into the center, I shook my head, bracing myself for what was about to happen as Phantom stepped forward first. “You know I still love you, right?”