Page 48 of Sandman
Only an idiot would bring swords to a gunfight.
Clicking off my safeties, I stepped out from behind the tree and started firing. Before Reaper could even stand up, seven men lay dead on the ground.
Quickly turning around, Reaper pointed his gun at me. “Who the fuck are you?”
Shrugging, I placed my guns at my back before reaching into my cut for a pack of cigarettes. I’d picked up the habit shortly after I killed those fuckers in Florida. While I didn’t smoke often, I did when I shed blood and seeing the seven men laying on the ground, I thought this was the perfect time for a smoke, while I admired my handiwork.
“I’m here,” the young woman ran back to the clearing, heading straight for Reaper, who grabbed her and held her tightly.
“You okay? You hurt?”
“No, I’m fine,” the pretty woman said.
Bending down, I looked at the man who demanded Reaper give up the woman and shook my head. It was fucking Cotton David from the Serpent’s Den MC. Fuckers were a nasty bunch. Looking around, I wondered what the fuck they were doing in California, since they were based in Idaho.
“You’re Golden,” Reaper said, his eyes narrowing as he stared at me.
Shaking my head, I stood as he looked more closely at my cut. I knew what he was seeing. Yes, I was wearing a Golden Skulls cut, but I belonged to no chapter. The only thing that gave away who I was, was the name patch I wore right about the left pocket of my cut.
The second Reaper saw my name, he took a step back.
“You’re him,” he barely said, his hands slowly moving towards his blades. “Aren’t you?”
Ignoring him, I walked away, leaving him and the young woman to flee on their own. I wasn’t in the mood to talk and I sure as hell didn’t owe anyone any answers.
That was the first time I saw Reaper.
The next time I saw Reaper was when I was recovering in the hospital after being damn near beaten to death.
The night my sister Katherine died.
I didn’t like thinking about that time.
Sitting there, with my back against my tree, I looked at the phone in my hand, wanting to call Hawk back.
I needed to know if Indigo was hunting Scab.
The crunching of leaves startled me as Slaughter walked over, sitting not far from me against another tree.
“Heard you yell at Sunny, brother.”
I growled.
“We all did. Wanna talk about it?”
“That’s cool,” Slaughter said, looking around the area. “Nice tree.”
I nodded.
“I had a tree like that once. Only mine was bigger. I built a fort for myself. Uncle Moonshine helped. Great place to hide out when shit got too much for me. Wish I had it now.”
Curiously, I asked. “Why?”
“Julie’s pregnant again.”