Page 49 of Sandman
I gaped at him, shaking my head.
The couple had tried for years with no luck, and then, a year ago, it happened. Everyone was so happy for them. Then things started happening. Worrisome things. Julie was four months pregnant when she miscarried the baby. It devastated her and Slaughter. The doctor told them that Julie would never be able to carry a baby to term. That there were things wrong. Even suggested other routes like adoption, but Julie refused to listen. She wanted a baby of her own.
“Isn’t going well. Doc is worried about her,” he admitted, picking up a stick and breaking it in two. “Her blood pressure is high. Doc is afraid that if she carries the baby to term, it could lead to pre-eclampsia and kill her or the baby. Julie is refusing to terminate.”
I knew what that was.
I learned about it when I did my maternity rotation certification. Living out in the country like we did, there wasn’t a hospital around the corner, so paramedics needed to know the basics and how to help patients while we rushed them to the nearest hospital. Pre-eclampsia was a dangerous situation and the leading killer of birthing mothers because of the hemorrhaging that occurs.
“How far along?”
“Twelve weeks. Our girls have the same due date. Well, that’s what Julie told me.”
“Make her terminate.”
Slaughter smirked. “Can’t make Julie do anything, brother. Woman’s been praying every night for a baby. Believes God will protect her and the baby.”
“What do you think?”
“I don’t know,” he sighed, throwing the twig before raking his hands through his hair. “I want Julie. I’ve loved that woman from the moment I laid eyes on her. Don’t know any other way. She’s it for me. Always has been. Can’t imagine a world without her.”
I understood that.
Sunny was my world. Without her, I’d be nothing.
Sighing, I muttered, “Sunny doesn’t want me to go after Scab. Asked me to let the club handle it.”
“That what you want?”
“No. I want the fucker’s blood on my hands. He hurt my Sunshine. I want him to pay.”
“Understand that,” Slaughter said. “Doesn’t have to be you that goes after him, though. Dead is dead, brother.”
He was right.
Dead was dead.
Chapter Seventeen
Well, shit. This was a fucking clusterfuck.
I hung up the phone and let my fingers massage my temples, exhaling a heavy sigh. How the fuck was I going to tell Bullseye that Disturbed MC was rolling our way and would be here in a few hours?
Getting to my feet, I left my office and searched for Bullseye.
Fucker was going to lose his shit when I told him the news.
Hell, I didn’t even want to know what Sandman was going to do. Fucking moody bastard had been tight-lipped for the last three days, knowing we all heard him yell at Sunny.
Shocked the fuck out of all of us.
Typically, the bastard barely spoke, so to hear him raise his voice, well... that got our attention. Since then, everyone had been walking on eggshells around him. Giving him space and shit. The man looked ready to snap. The only ones who didn’t seem to mind his snarky ass were the women who carried on as if everything were hunky-dory. Of course, the mute bastard wouldn’t harm them... he liked them.
The call was just a courtesy call.
By the end, it was anything but.