Page 60 of Adored By the Wolf
“Your dream?”
“Yes. The scene in the painting you wanted to buy.”
“You dreamed this?” he asked incredulously.
I watched as his eyes widened, and we both stared at each other in silence as the truth settled upon us.
I finally found my voice and said with absolute conviction, “You’re the wolf in my dream.”
He pulled me into his arms and nuzzled my head. We couldn’t squeeze each other hard enough. “Welcome to my home away from home, Millie.”
“It feels like my home too,” I said against his chest.
He squeezed me even tighter. When we finally let go, the sun had almost set, and I noticed a glow coming from within the cave.
“Do you know what is in that cave?” I said, pointing at the opening in the rock face.
He nodded. “We’ll go inside in just a second. First, though, I want to show you something.”
“Okay.” I looked around and wasn’t sure what there was to show me, when all of a sudden, hundreds of lights turned on. I gasped. Little twinkling lights wound around every tree circling the pond. They laced from tree to tree, creating a huge web above us. It triggered memories of when Mom and Dad had decorated the backyard with strings of lights, and I used to wake up and think fairies had come overnight.
“Do you like it?” Jacob whispered.
I leaned in closer to his body. “Yes. It’s absolutely beautiful.”
Without letting me go, he took off one of his gloves with his teeth and brought a thumb up to my face, wiping away the tears I wasn’t able to hold back.
“You did this for me?” I asked him, my voice cracking.
“I did. It’s all for you.”
“I absolutely love it. Thank you, Jacob.”
He smiled and said, “There’s more.”
He pulled back from me and slipped his hand easily into mine. I felt the warmth of his touch seep up my arm as I followed him toward the cave entrance. Ducking our heads, we entered the cave and turned to our left. I gasped when I saw what was laid out in front of us. It was an oasis of luxury with blankets, pillows, string lights, candles, and a trail of rose petals had been strewn around the boundary. In one corner was a bouquet of gladioluses in all different colors, and I could hear soft music playing from somewhere, echoing off the walls.
I stepped onto the blankets, realizing there were layers of soft mats underneath. Turning, I looked at Jacob, who hadn’t moved. His hands were in his pockets, and he looked worried, but at the sight of my smile, his face lit up. “You love it,” he said in a relieved tone.
“I really do.” I held out my hand and beckoned him over. He didn’t hesitate, and I felt adored as he wrapped me in his arms. His fingers found my chin, and he tilted my head back. I could see the desire in his eyes just before his lips met mine. They were light as a feather at first, but then we both moved closer and pressed harder against each other until I could feel every inch of him along my body. His muscled arms pulled me in, and I sighed at how safe I felt.
We were both out of breath when we finally pulled away.
“I have something for you.”
He let go of me a bit to pull what looked like a ring box out of his coat pocket. I gasped and suddenly didn’t know what to say.
But then he said, “It’s not what you think,” and turned the box toward me and opened it to show me a simple golden ring. The laugh that came out of him was loud and animated. I loved hearing it but was also annoyed that he was laughing at my expense.
“The look on your face!” he said. “You should see how disappointed you are. I’m sorry, I should have forewarned you. I could have proposed to you today, but I didn’t think now was the right time.”
“And it wouldn’t have been,” I agreed. “But what is this for?”
“You know I’m a wolf shifter,” he began.