Page 61 of Adored By the Wolf
“Well, would you believe me if I told you that my grandmother, Miti, is a witch as well?”
“What?” Shock coursed through me. “I’m not sure what to believe, to tell you the truth.”
“I promise that if you accept this gift, you’ll have your whole life to get used to these new changes, and I’ll be by your side whenever you need me.”
I looked at him. “But I thought you weren’t proposing?”
His face froze, and this time it was my turn to laugh. “You should see your face now.”
This made both of us burst out laughing.
When he calmed down, he said, “Miti made this ring for you.”
“For me specifically?”
“Yes. It repels ghosts. If you wear it, you will never have to worry about a ghost disturbing you.”
I gasped. “You’re pulling my leg.”
“I’m not, I promise.”
I stared at Jacob, boring into his eyes to see if he was telling me the truth, but he held steady. Not a trace of mirth or conjecture was present. That made me look at the ring he was still holding. Taking the box from him, I plucked it out of its cushion and held it up. Turning it all around, I noticed there were inscriptions engraved on the inside.
“Do those carvings mean something?”
“I believe it’s the spell Miti put on it.”
“Sheisa witch, after all.”
Taking the ring, I slipped it on my right ring finger. It fit perfectly. And as soon as it settled into place, warmth shot up my arm and directly to my heart before dispersing to the rest of my body. I smiled. This might be the real deal after all.
“It’s also a promise ring,” Jacob said. “I promise to make it up to you for all the mistakes I’ve made. I will win your love if it’s the last thing I do.”
I looked at the ring and felt guilt building inside me. “I should confess that I wasn’t completely myself when with you either. I thought you would only stay interested in me if I was more like my sister, Lira. You know—outgoing and adventurous, not bookish and quiet.”
His eyes narrowed, turning yellow. This startled me, but as soon as it started to happen it began to fade, and I immediately relaxed.
He leaned back and began smiling.
“So, you both traded places in a way.”
“I guess so.”
“Guess we’ll just have to start over then.”
I shot him a look. “You’re not mad?”
He shook his head. “You were still Millie when you were with me. You might have thought you were being your sister, but I could tell you really enjoyed yourself when you jumped off that cliff. It was spontaneous and thrilling.”
“I felt like I needed to do it once ghosts were mentioned. I really needed to conquer my fear right then. I don’t know why, but I just needed to jump.”
“I could see that. And that was all you; nothing Lira about it.”
“I’m glad you think that way. I-I . . .” Could I say it? He definitely loved me too. I could see it in his eyes, and he basically had just proposed to me. Releasing a breath, I admitted, “I love you too, Jacob.”