Page 48 of Echoes of Him
I’ll take on another client, and he’ll go on tour with his band. Done.
Oh shit.“I’m sorry. Yes, I’d love to go out to dinner with you, Ashton. Thank you for asking me. Tomorrow night is perfect.”
And that’s actually the truth because Bailey and Andrea are leaving early tomorrow morning for DC, and as much as I was looking forward to some real qualitymetime—I had it all planned out, the majority of which consisted of Netflix, wine, and consuming my body weight in chocolate—but the thought of going out for a nice meal with a man who actually seems invested in going out with me is appealing enough for me to sacrifice my plans.
Another scenario to consider is that my feelings for Kael might somehow magically detach themselves and redirect to someone else who is a whole lot less dangerous.
“You like Italian?”
I almost laugh.Duh.“I love Italian.”
“Okay great, say eight o’clock?”
“Andrea gave me your address. I’ll pick you up. I’m really looking forward to it. Good night.”
Hanging up, I stare at the blackened screen in my hand, contemplating if I’ve just made the best or worst decision of my life.
Day 41
“Why do you keep checking your watch?”
“Huh?” I ask, fingers toying over the pages of my notes.
“You keep checking your watch. Why?”
Kael stares back at me, waiting for me to answer him. His shoulders and arms flex, straining inside the thin cotton of his scrubs, when he folds them over his chest and leans back on the couch.
It should be uncomfortable with what happened between us yesterday, the moment we shared together, the words spoken, but apparently we’re just forging ahead, and good for us because we haven’t spoken about it all session.
Denial, oh, sweet, glorious denial.
“Well, I, uh… if you must know…” Queasiness swirls low in my stomach and I feel like I’m about to be sick.Why?I’ve got nothing to feel guilty about.Do I?No. I banish the internal taunt to the darkest places in the back of my mind. “I’m leaving a little early this afternoon. I have a hairdresser’s appointment.”
“What’s wrong with your hair?”
“Nothing’swrongwith it.” Placing my notebook down on the coffee table, I lift my eyes. “It’s not like going to the doctor. You don’t have to have something wrong with your hair to go to the hairdresser. Sometimes a girl goes to the salon just to make herself feel better, and I want to look nice for tonight.”
“What’s tonight?”
Dammit.Mentioning tonight’s date with Ashton was definitely not part of today’s lesson plan.
“I…uh, sorry, what was that?”
Kael’s frown intensifies when he senses me fudging. Oh, and I’m fudging alright. I’m the queen of fudge right now. Thick, gooey, diabetes inducing fudge.
“You just said you wanted to look nice for tonight.” There’s a lot of serious gazing going on. His chin rises, and for a moment, he says nothing, just looks at me. “What’s happening tonight?”
Time to suck it up. Band-Aid. Straight off. Here goes nothing…
“I have a date.”