Page 49 of Echoes of Him
This news silences him for approximately five whole seconds, and in that time, I can practically hear the cogs grinding around inside his mind.
“A date?” he says gruffly.
“With who?”
“No one special. A friend of a friend.”
“How do you know him?’
“I don’t.”
Angst instantly fills his expression, as well as his voice, and his nostrils flare slightly. He sits up quickly. “You’re going on ablinddate?”
I fiddle nervously with my glasses. I don’t know why I’m suddenly so nervous. I’m not doing anything sinister by going out on a date, nor am I fooling around behind anyone’s back.
So, why does it feel like I am?
“Yes, a blind date.” The words taste dirty on my lips and they sound even worse to my ears.
“What do you know about this guy?”
“We’ve spoken on the phone, and he’s messaged me a couple of times, but other than that, not much.”
Kael’s mouth tightens so fiercely his lips are practically white, and his forehead goes from smooth to wrinkly in an instant.
“Stop looking at me like that. People go out on blind dates all the time.” I pick up my purse, and stand, heading for the door. “Come on. Time’s up. I have to go.”
“Why are you doing this?”
“Doing what?”
“You know what I mean.”
Faking innocence is close to impossible, but I give it my best shot. He’s hurt. And I’m the one hurting him. But what choice do I have?
“No, I really don’t.”
“You’re walking out on me when I’ve got something major going on in my life. That’s real nice, Jonesy. Way to be therapist of the year.”
“You haven’t got anything major going on,” I throw back at him. “We were discussing what you do with all the bras and panties women toss on stage at rock concerts. The fact that you donate them to charity is kinda creepy by the way.”
Kael’s lips thin. “I’m all about giving back.”
“And on that note, I’m out of here.”
I strut across the room and switch off the light before he’s even moved an inch from his rigid position on the couch. I hear a harsh grunt in the darkness, and then a shadowy figure that could easily be mistaken for a yeti moves slowly toward me.
I wait for Kael to move past me into the corridor so that I can close the door behind him, but apparently this proves to be a painstaking task for the mighty rock star. He makes some kind of gruff noise, a huff, a grunt, but I can’t be sure what it all means.
He’s standing so close to me now that I can feel the warmth of his breath on my cheek, the solidness of his chest as it closes in on me, and it reminds me of the very first time we met.
Everything about him calls to me, his rarely seen gentler side, his guarded yet concerned voice, making me even more confident that my decision to go out on this date is absolutely necessary.
“What if he hurts you?” he says quietly.
When I don’t immediately respond he takes my chin between his thumb and forefinger and lowers his head so that now I have no choice but to look up at him.