Page 65 of Fatkini
“I don’t care what Mom did or didn’t say. I’m managing fine without you.”
“Yeah, I see that. Throwing yourself at every dick you meet?”
My jaw dropped. “That was rude, even by your weak standards. Show a little respect? Aithan is my guest.”
He finally spoke up. “I asked Zel out, not the other way around.”
Greer snapped, “Stay out of this, pretty boy.”
I slammed my hand on the dining table. It made a satisfying thwack and she jumped. “Leave the key and leave my house. Now, Greer. This conversation is over.”
“What? You can’t throw me out.”
“Bitch, I just did.” I held out my palm. “Key.”
She rolled her eyes. “You’re such a child, Zel.”
“I’m not the one insulting a man I don’t know.”
“I insulted you, not him.”
“Get. Out.”
With another dramatic eye-roll, she dropped the key into my hand and turned for the stairs. “Don’t come crying to me or Mom when these guys use you and throw you aside like the trash you’ve become. I came here to help. But if you don’t want the truth and my guidance, I can’t be held responsible for your misery, Zelda.”
“Don’t let the door hit you on the way out,” I replied.
She tossed her blonde hair over her shoulder and huffed down the stairs. I followed and locked the door behind her. The cab door shut and the car pulled out of the driveway.
I turned off the porch light and rested my head against the door.
“You okay?” Aithan had followed me. He rested his hands on my shoulders.
I started laughing. What a fucking rollercoaster ride the last few days had been. “Yeah, though I’m wondering what the hell I did to deserve an overbearing bitch of a sister.” I turned. “I’m sorry you had to see that. Seems like you’re bearing the brunt of the crazy in my life. I swear it’s not always like this.”
He dropped his arm around my shoulders and steered me toward the stairs. “Everyone has crazy. Most just hide it a bit better. At least I know when and where it’s coming from with you.”
“Thanks, I think.”
I satin bed with Lulu and Frank. Aithan had gone home. He had an early start in the morning and we both knew it was better if he didn’t spend the night boinking me. Besides, I had my own work to do over the weekend. I still needed to rerecord the two chapters for Drew and there was an erotic short story due Wednesday that I hadn’t even read yet.
Thinking of Drew reminded me of the bikini picture. I pulled it up and forwarded it to him, hesitating for only a moment before typing, “The fatkini says hurry back,” then hitting the blue SEND button.
Before snuggling down into bed with the short story, I checked my email. Mostly ads. An automatic payment reminder from Seattle’s electric company and one from my business credit card. My agent had sent me four scripts to audition. Checking their deadlines, I winced. All were due Monday. “I know what I’m doing on Sunday.” It served me right for ignoring work for a few days. That wasn’t like me. But Tristan’s crap and the unexpected relationships with Drew and Aithan had thrown me completely off schedule. “Get your shit together, Zel,” I lectured myself.
Frank looked up with sleepy eyes. He yawned, showing a killer’s teeth, then stretched and slunk across the bed to settle beside my hip. I obliged him with chin scratches and continued browsing my email.
I also had an introductory email from Roush, Guthrie, & Henderson LLP. Ross Henderson wanted to meet to discuss my problems with Tristan. I chewed my cheek, debating about my next steps. Deciding talking to a lawyer wasn’t a bad idea, I responded with my availability and my contact information.
I found a brief email from Drew. He was back in New York and things were messy. I worried about what that meant. Was it his girlfriend? His manuscript? His marketing? I wrote back:
That sucks. I’m sure it’ll work out. Check your phone for a message. I think it’ll make you feel better.
Closing my computer, I settled in to read a bit of paranormal hanky-panky.