Page 66 of Fatkini
The next morning, after my usual routine, I stepped into the recording booth and knocked out the short story. It was pretty steamy and had me wishing Drew or Aithan was around. I sent the first ten minutes of “Haunted Cravings”to the author for approval, then opened Drew’s manuscript and reread the final chapters.
But instead of focusing on the story, my mind kept wandering to the man. I checked my email, but he hadn’t responded. Nor had he seen the message with the fatkini pic yet.
I chewed my cheek and poked at my worries.
“Fuck, Zel, this isn’t helpful. Watched pot and all that bullshit. He’s probably buried in his manuscript.” Or in his NYC girlfriend. Livi couldn’t be ignored, no matter how much I wished it.
My email updated with a message from the short story author:
Great work, Fannie! I love it. You’re approved to finish the file. Thanks!
I replied:
Sounds good. I’ll edit the rest of the story and have the files to you this afternoon.
I put the story through editing software then addressed each of the edits the proofing program flagged. I checked my levels and listened to the final file, then saved it to the cloud and an external drive, and sent a download link to the author. Finally, I generated an invoice for her and closed the files and apps.
Sitting back on the office loveseat, I sighed and stretched. It felt good to have a finished project. Drew’s incomplete novel nagged me. I didn’t like having projects hanging over me like that, but I also knew forcing the performance wouldn’t make me, or him, any happier. I still had a few days to deliver the finished book.
I skimmed Fannie Gordon’s social media accounts, posting a note about life’s craziness and how happy she was to have another finished project releasing soon. Between my pseudonym and me, I had a ton of regular listeners; enough to guarantee most of my audiobooks became bestsellers. That was another reason I had contracts with the big publishers.
I browsed the accounts of some of my friends and groups then, out of habit, opened one of Drew’s profiles. I was greeted with a picture of him and a gorgeous platinum-blonde woman dressed for an evening event.
Olivia Isaak, his East Coast girlfriend.
Great night at theGirls with Toyslaunch party. Thanks for the invite, Toni and BGG. Livi and I had a blast!
The post was three weeks old.
I considered the petite woman hanging on Drew’s arm. I’d seen her in person only once, but we’d never really met. Livi wasn’t someone I ever wanted to know. A short silver dress hugged her body, reminding me exactly how slim she was. The woman didn’t have an extra ounce of fat on her.
“She’s about as opposite from me as he can get.”
I logged off. Closing my computer, I stared at the bookshelf, chewing my bottom lip. No wonder he hadn’t bothered looking at my picture. His sexy little NYC girl was keeping him plenty happy.
I groaned. “Stop it, Zelda.” My mind was running down the drain, but I couldn’t help it. I wanted to be more than just a fling for Drew. He’d said there was more between us. I saw proof of that in the years he’d pursued me. So why couldn’t I believe it?
Because old thought patterns were hard to break. I considered texting Aithan, but that was stupid. He had clients to help and a gym to run. “God, you’re being such a baby.”
Deciding busy was better than idle, I returned to the booth and knocked out the raw recordings of the four auditions my agent wanted. When I was finished, I put them aside to edit Sunday. By that time it was five o’clock and my stomach was rumbling.
Upstairs, I fed the cats and warmed up empanadas I’d made and frozen the previous weekend. I batch cooked every other weekend, so I had plenty of food in my freezer. The scents of garlic and onions and fried dough filled the kitchen.
While I ate, I contemplated my reaction to seeing Drew with Livi. Maybe I was infatuated with him, but did Ilovehim? That seemed impossible. Sure, we’d known each other for a few years, but our interactions had been for business. In reality, the last two weeks were the most time we’d spent together. Was that enough time to fall in love with someone? I’d never been in love, I knew that now. I wasn’t sure I’d evenlikedTristan; he’d just been available. I scowled at that ugly truth. I hadn’t loved him. He hadn’t loved me. He’d been someone to fuck, and even that hadn’t been satisfying.
I definitely felt differently about Drew and Aithan. I wanted to be with them, and when we were together, I felt good about myself. They encouraged me to feel that way. Both were generous, in bed and out. Both treated me like I was special. I’d certainly never gottenthatfrom Tristan. He was too damned selfish to give me that kind of attention.
“Ha! And now that I have his attention, I don’t want it.”
My phone rang, interrupting my spiraling thoughts.
“Hi, Mom. What’s up?” I knew the answer before she said anything.
“What did you say to your sister?”
“I threw her out of my house. She insulted me and my friend, Aithan. She refused to listen when I told her I had a guest and she wasn’t welcome here.”