Page 64 of Devils Tooth Ridge
“Why?” I whispered and he laughed bitterly.
“Because he was planning on killing your grandmother. The Fellowship and the Illumini; the association I am with, have a rivalry that goes back to ancient times.
We all attend Deville’s Academy because that is where the first Council was formed. The Fellowship has a ritual that they do every ten years, a ritual that involves people going missing. It usually happens in the Winter when the tourists are there, tourists are generally picked as they are easy to explain away. Hikers going missing. Drifters who have no one who will look for them.” He said and my stomach sank. I had a bad feeling about this.
“It was the same year that I had asked your grandmother to marry me. I met her on a ski trip with her family and she stayed to be with me. But she had been the target for one of the Fellowship.” He closed his eyes, taking a long breath as if the memory still hit him as hard as it did then.
“I found out and stopped him before he took her. I also knew that his son would vow vengeance. I couldn’t kill a child, and he was raised to hate me. Phillip Canterbury is his name. He is one of the top people in the Fellowship. Loyal to a fault.” He added and Mikhail cleared his throat, leaning forward.
“What is the purpose of the Fellowship?” He asked and Gideon looked amused.
“The same as any group of rich, arrogant men. To rule the world of course. There are members of the Fellowship who advise the President in America, the Prime Minister here is a member. They want the status quo to remain the same, the rich stay rich and the poor stay poor. It is power.” He said and Wyatt snorted.
“Money and power. Exactly like I said.” He said softly and William hummed in agreement.
“So basically what you are saying is a bunch of rich old men are running our lives because we make them more money and give them power?” I said and everyone looked at me.
“Isn’t that the way of the entire world?” Gideon said and I glared at him.
“Why drugs and weapons?” I shot back, not wanting to answer his question.
“Because they help fund the things they don’t want the public to know about. It also buys or leverages them muscle when they need it to do the things that they cant do themselves.” He said.
“Like kill an entire family trying to get out of business,” Wyatt added and Gideon nodded.
“Exactly. I didn’t want to make things worse but it would seem by staying out of your life, things were bad anyway.” He said and I rubbed my face, exhaustion setting in.
“So how do we get out?” I asked and he smiled.
“You have to make a statement. The Fellowship themselves may be willing to let you go just by knowing I and the Illumini are back you, but Phillip wont. The only way you can stop him is with death.” He said and Gabriel grinned.
“I can do that. I haven’t killed a man in a long time.” He said wistfully and William stared at him like he had grown another head.
“I don’t think you will need to…” Gideon was cut off by a panicked Anatoly rushing into the room.
“We have to go. Something is wrong with Rosslyn.” He said, fear lacing his words.
Mikhail and Gabriel were on their feet quickly as Rosslyn came out from behind him with a terrified looking Anouska.
That was when I saw the blood.
“Rosslyn…” I said as Gabriel shouted for Mikhail to take Anouska.
“The baby…” Rosslyn whispered, and everyone rushed around trying to reach her.
“How far to the hospital?” Anatoly asked as Mikhail picked up a now crying Anouska and Gabriel picked up Rosslyn.
“About forty-five minutes. Just past the township. But I don’t think they have a good maternity ward. Most people go to the city…” I said.
“We can take you in the helicopter. We will contact the emergency services on the way and see what they advise. We can get you all the way to the city if we need.” Gideon said and everyone hesitated for a split second.
“Okay. Gabriel and Tol, you go with Rosslyn. I will take Anouska in the car. Keep me updated.” He said and Gabriel looked at him with a pained expression.
“Mik, it is an eight-hour drive back to the city if that’s where we go.” He said softly and Mikhail nodded.
“I know. But Anouska cant go in the helicopter. Her ears…” Rosslyn reached out to take Mikhail's hand.
“I’ll be okay. We will be okay.” She said softly before Gabriel nodded and rushed out the door followed by Anatoly and Gideon.