Page 65 of Devils Tooth Ridge
“I’m sorry, Anya. If you need me to…” I stopped Mikhail before he said what I knew he was going to say.
“Don’t you dare. You take care of your family. I’ll be fine. Go. Keep us updated.” I said and kissed him on the cheek.
Gideon looked at me.
“I’ll be back and when I get back, we will sort out this mess and get you free from it all.” He said before he looked at the man who came with him.
“Zane. I want you to stay here.” He said and Zane shook his head.
“Nope. I’m coming with you. For starters, I am trained in CPR and second, my badge will get us through anywhere.” He said before he walked past Gideon to the helicopter that was now running.
“Go. We will be fine.” I said again as Gideon looked like he was about to protest.
We watched them leave, Mikhail heading off down the driveway in the car as the helicopter disappeared over the horizon.
“She will be okay,” William said as he hugged me from behind, but I heard the worry in his voice too.
I felt helpless right now. I glanced over the Ridge line and saw the angry gray clouds.
“We need to get the cattle moved too,” I said and William sighed.
“I know. I checked the radar. We have a bit of time. We can get out there first thing tomorrow. For now, lets go inside, call Beau and give him the update.”
Thirty three
Anyafinishedherconversationwith Beau as I snuck off to run her a bath. Wyatt stopped me on my way to the bathroom, worry in his eyes.
“How do we know we can trust Gideon? He lied to her and her mother all their lives. For all we know, he is the enemy.” He said and I sighed.
“I know. But between him and the Fellowship, he is the one not trying to kill us so I will take him for now. We just don’t let our guard down and we don’t let Anya be alone with him.” I said and Wyatt nodded.
“Agreed. What are you doing?” He asked and I grinned.
“Bubble bath. I figured we could take our girl's mind off everything for a few hours and pamper her a little.” I said with a wink and Wyatt smiled.
“I like this idea. I’ll go see what I can rustle up in the kitchen for us.” He said, then headed into the kitchen as I went to run the bath.
When I was satisfied with the water temperature, I went searching the house for whatever random candles I could find, grimacing when I found the old Christmas candles covered in dust.
They were used as ornaments every year and even though we were coming close to Christmas this year, with everything going on decorations had been the last thing on anyone’s mind.
I lit them, hoping they didn’t have a horrible scent, and stood back, looking at my creation. It would have to do.
“What are you doing?” Anya said from behind me, startling me out of my critical examination.
“Ahh. It was a surprise for you. I thought you could use some downtime.” I said as I looked at her.
Amusement flashed in her eyes as she looked at the ugly-looking candles before she wrapped her arms around my waist, resting her head against my chest.
“Thank you. I appreciate this more than you know.” She whispered and I kissed the top of her head before I pulled back with a grin.
“Okay filly, get ready to be pampered. Arms up.” I said and she raised an eyebrow at me. I stood there patiently, waiting for her to do as I said and she sighed, lifting her arms.
I pulled her shirt over her head, tossing it to the floor before I dropped to my knees and helped her remove the rest of her clothes.
“I can undress myself.” She said playfully as I tugged her underwear down, my cock getting hard at the glimpse of her sweet pussy.