Page 13 of Buried Under Ice
With her umbrella closed and at her side, she headed for her target.
Not exactly waiting for her to invite him along—Oliver knew no invitation would be coming—he followed on her heels.As they drew closer to the back booth, his eyes narrowed on the target.A man he knew, unfortunately, too well.
Memphis Camden.Former bounty hunter.Expert tracker.Current Ice Breaker.All around pain in Oliver’s ass.
Memphis rose as Lark neared the table.He inclined his head toward her.“Great to finally meet you in person, Ms.Lawson.”The faintest hint of the south brushed beneath his words because, well, Memphishadbeen born in Memphis, Tennessee.Thus, the guy’s name.
Lark extended her hand to him.“Thank you so much for coming out tonight.”
“No problem.Actually wanted to see the scene where Amelia Wayne spent her last night.Helps to get me in the right mindset.”Memphis let her go and peered over her shoulder to smirk at Oliver.“Well, well, well.If it isn’t Special Agent Oliver Foxx.With two X’s because you’re an extra asshole.”
“That joke is really damn old.”
Memphis shrugged.“Wasn’t joking.”
Oliver flipped him off.
And, of course, Lark would turn around right then to catch him flipping the bird to the Ice Breaker who she thought was her savior.Lark’s mouth dropped open in shock.Then she grabbed Oliver’s hand and pushed down his middle finger.
At her touch, warmth spiraled through him.I have missed her far too much.
“What are you doing?”She shook her head in obvious dismay.“I need him!”
“Bullshit.”Whoops.Oh, well, he’d just called it like he’d seen it.“You have me.”
She let him go.Fast.As if he’d burned her.
“Didn’t know we were making a party out of tonight,” Memphis drawled.“Thought the Fed was working on the opposite team.Glad to realize he’s seen the light for you.”
Lark whipped back around to face him.“Oliver and I are not on the same team.”
She was wrong.He was always on Team Lark.That last, fateful night at the restaurant, he’d felt like his heart had been cut out.Especially when she said…I love you.What he would not give to hear those words from her one more time.
“He’s the enemy,” Lark informed Memphis bluntly.“Never mistake him for anything else.”
Check.The enemy.Not the man she loved.
“Glad we cleared that up.”Memphis sent Oliver a tiger’s smile.“If you don’t mind, we have a meeting to conduct.”Memphis motioned for Lark to slide onto the bench that was opposite the one he’d been using.
She did.
Memphis sat back down.The SOB shooed Oliver away.
Funny.“Freaking hilarious,” Oliver snapped as he slid into the booth right beside Lark.
She did a double take.“Why are you here?”
“Because you are.”
“That makes zero sense.”
“You’re hunting a killer.”
“Yes.I’ve told you that before.Multiple times.”
It was too dark for him to clearly see her eyes.A fact that pissed him off.He loved her eyes.“Yeah, you have.But today was the first day you just decided to announce your intentions on thenews.Do you have any idea how many psychos will now be at your door?People who want to harass you?Just general nutjobs who will claim they have info or who will try to hurt—”
“Do you seriously think I haven’t been harassed in the last few months?I had to sell my business.My home.I’ve movedthree times.People throw bricks into my windows.They carve crap on my car.I have break-ins.I have—” She stopped.Her delicate nostrils flared.“Don’t you dare look at me that way.”