Page 14 of Buried Under Ice
What way?
“Don’t you feel sorry for me.I’m going to get my brother exonerated.The truth will come out.”
He could feel her pain.Living, breathing right between them.He wanted to take away all her pain.If only he could.
I caused her pain.
No, no, her demented brother had done that when he’d killed three women—women who all looked far too much like Lark.
Oliver and Lark turned their heads toward him.
He waved.“Hi.This is certainly, well, not fun for me to watch.So, how about we move along, shall we?I do have a wife at home.Or, technically, at a hotel in Vegas.Sleeping like the perfect angel that she is.I want to get back to her sooner rather than later.”
Oliver knew all about Memphis’s “perfect angel” of a wife.A society princess who’d been kidnapped but she managed to escape her abductor and find her way back home.Only once she got home, no one had believed Eliza’s story.No one, until Memphis and his team came along.Because the Ice Breakers had realized a killer was hunting.They’d connected other missing women to Eliza’s abductor.And, eventually, Eliza and Memphis brought the bastard down.
It wasn’t the first time that the Ice Breakers had closed a case.In fact, Oliver had even thought about joining their group.Especially right after the nightmare went down with Lane Lawson.Sometimes, being able to play by your own rules was truly the best way to go.
The Ice Breakers had originally started online.The members of the team all came from different backgrounds.Memphis was the bounty hunter.But there was also a reporter—and her freaking billionaire husband who now happily backed the group.Happily, because his wife had cleared him of an old murder suspicion.One of the most interesting players on the Ice Breaker team?That had to be the doctor of the dead.Dr.Antonia Rossi could make the dead speak.She was one of the best—no, shewasthe best forensic anthropologist in the country.She’d cracked dozens of cases.She’d worked over and over again with the Feds.Oliver respected the hell out of her.
Honestly, he respected the hell out of all the Ice Breakers.Even when Memphis got on his nerves, Oliver still admired the jerk.Hell, Memphis had been the main Ice Breaker trying to recruit Oliver.
The Ice Breakers didn’t take just any case.They were highly selective.And in order for them to be working with Lark…
What the hell does Memphis think I missed?Whatcouldhave been unease slithered down Oliver’s spine.
“Shall we get down to business?”Memphis asked smoothly.“Or do you two want to waste more of my valuable time by bitching and moaning at each other?”
They hadn’t been bitching and moaning.Oliver narrowed his eyes on Memphis.“Watch it.”
“Oooh.So scared.”He shuddered.“Wait, I’m not.Just getting bored.”He pointed at Lark.“You realize that you just put one giant-sized target on your back today with that news story?”
Yes.Finally.The voice of reason.Even if the voice came from Memphis.
“You already fit the killer’s profile to a perfect T,” Memphis added because the man had never learned how to pull a punch.“Now you’re on the news, taunting him.Practically begging the guy to come for you.”He whistled.“If you’d run that plan by me first, I would have advised against it.”
“The real killerisout there.Only none of the cops or the Feds are looking for him.”Her hands flattened on the table.Unpolished nails.Delicate fingers.“I had to do something.I wasn’t just going to keep wringing my hands while my brother is trapped in hell.”
Memphis dipped his head in a slow nod.“Got to say, I admire the loyalty you’ve got for your brother.It’s actually the reason I agreed to take your case.”
Damn.Now the puzzle pieces made sense.Oliver knew all about Memphis and—
“Got a brother myself.Once upon a time, he was wanted on a murder charge.”No emotion entered Memphis’s drawling voice.He was always good at keeping his real emotions hidden.“I was the one who tracked him down and threw him in a cell.”
Lark sucked in a sharp breath.
“But I got him out, too.”Another dip of Memphis’s head.“Because I believed he was innocent.Didn’t give up until I cleared him.”His expression softened, just a bit, as he studied Lark.“Like I said, I admire your loyalty.”
Great.Now Memphis and Lark were bonding.Oliver couldn’t remain silent.“Memphis, there’s a big difference between your brother Saint and Lane Lawson…”
Memphis raised his brows.
“Saint was innocent.”Oliver turned his head to stare at Lark.To drink her in even as he said words that he knew would hurt.“Nothing suggests that Lane is innocent.”
She didn’t flinch.Didn’t rage at him.She sucked in another deep breath and her shoulders squared.“I know he is.”
“Knowing isn’t evidence.”What you’ve got is jack and shit.But he could be tactful enough not to say that.“You think you’re the first family member who doesn’t want to see a loved one’s guilt?You’re not.Not even close.”He’d witnessed this time and time again.“They count on that,” he added gruffly.“Count on your love to blind family and friends to the crimes they’ve committed.Lane is counting onyouto be blind to what he’s done.”And that pissed off Oliver.“Don’t let him drag you down with him.See him for what he is.”