Page 58 of Buried Under Ice
Because he came to Vegas to kill me.
“How the hell did you let him get the drop on you?”Oliver raged.He glared at Jase, then switched his attention back to the security monitors.The guards were busy searching the hotel, but he’d gone straight to Kurt and gotten the man to give them access to the hotel’s video feeds.Now he huddled in the main security office as the footage played.
Unfortunately, there had been no camera in the room Jase had used with Nate during their little interrogation.No camera right outside of it, either.
As for the rest of the feeds?Nate isn’t on here.So where was the bastard?
“He was crying,” Jase mumbled.“Saying how badly he missed his girl.I felt…” He stopped.
But Oliver knew what the other man had been about to say.“You felt sorry for him.So you lowered your guard.”Amateur mistake.But Jase was still new.Still seeing victims everywhere and not realizing that a victim could also be a perp.
He should realize it, though.He dealt with criminals for years as a lawyer.He’s seen plenty of their tricks.
“He elbowed me in the ribs.Slammed his fist into my cheek.”Jase winced as he touched the still red skin.“I fell back.Hit my head.”
Oliver’s jaw clenched.“You need to get checked out.”
“No, no, I’mfine!”His hand dropped.“I’m the agent in charge here.You’re on break, remember, boss?You shouldn’t even be here.I shouldn’t have let you ask him those questions.Shouldn’t have let you in the room with him in the first place.”
“The man spoke freely.His choice if he wanted to bury himself.”Oliver pointed to one of the monitors.“Rewind that footage.I thought I saw him.”
Obligingly, the young guard seated at the bank of monitors did.
The footage rolled back, then played again.Exterior scene.Near the loading bay.A delivery truck arrived and—
Nate Quest raced past the truck.
“Dammit!”Jase exclaimed.“He’s gone off property.We have to get a citywide search going.We have to get—”
I have to get Lark secured.Because Oliver had no doubt about just where Nate would go.He’d fled the hotel, and he would be heading for the person he seemed to hate.
My Lark.
Oliver backed away.“You’re right.I shouldn’t be here.You take care of things.I’ll check in with you later.”He turned and brushed past a nervously sweating Kurt.
His steps picked up speed.Faster and faster.Get to Lark.He’d thought sending her away with Memphis was the smart plan.Hestillknew it had been the correct call to get her out of the open.And Memphis would protect her.As for Midas?I know I can count on him.But Oliver still wanted to be with her.
He double-timed it out the hotel’s sliding doors and found Special Agent Theo Tutweiler racing toward him.They damn near collided.
“What’s happening?”Theo demanded as he staggered to a stop.“Got the text from Jase and came as fast as I could!I was already on the way over, and—”
Oliver jerked his thumb over his shoulder.“Jase is inside.He needs you.The team has to hunt down Nate Quest.”
“Quest?’Theo’s eyes widened.“What has he done?”
So far…he just assaulted Jase Guillory and tried to assault me.But it wasn’t so much what Nate haddonethat had ice snaking through Oliver’s veins.It was what Oliver feared Nate would do that chilled him.
He’s going after Lark.The man’s obsession had been clear as day.All of his rage and pain had been channeled onto one person.My Lark.When Nate saw Lark, he saw his chance for revenge.He saw the killer’s sister.He saw punishment.
An eye for an eye.
Nate thought he was going to get vengeance by hurting Lark.You are so wrong.The only thing he would get when he came after her…
It’s a one-way trip to hell.Because I will send you there myself.
Oliver hurried past a limo that had just slowed to a stop near the hotel’s entrance.An attendant quickly opened the side door of the long, black ride.Oliver didn’t glance back to see which high roller spilled out.He was too busy scanning in front of him so that he could look for Nate Quest.The bastard left on foot.But he could have jumped into a taxi.Could have hopped on a bus.Theo and Jase will need to check—