Page 59 of Buried Under Ice
“Representative Montgomery, so glad to have you back with us,” a man’s voice said from behind Oliver.A voice that kicked with excitement as the guy added, “Hope your meetings were successful.”
Representative Montgomery?As in, Blain Montgomery?The jerk who’d once received a broken hand courtesy of Lane Lawson because the prick had been creeping on Lark?
Oliver had halted at the mention of the state representative’s name, and now he turned slowly toward the limo.As he watched, a man climbed from the rear.Carefully styled hair.Super white smile.Expensive clothes.
Blain fucking Montgomery.
Right there.
What were the odds of that?
Blain’s head turned.He met Oliver’s stare.
And damn if the man’s smile didn’t widen even more.
He knows who I am.
Oliver advanced on him.“Representative Montgomery?”Like he didn’t already know.And I should be giving chase after Nate.I should be getting to Lark.But his instincts were screaming, and he knew better than to ignore those screams.Oliver took a deep breath and schooled his expression.
Memphis is with her.Lark is protected.She’ll have Memphis and Midas.They are better protection than an army of Feds.She is safe.
Knowing all that, though, didn’t change the way he felt.Oliver still wanted to be with Lark.
Blain Montgomery eased away from the limo.“You’re FBI Special Agent Oliver Foxx.”He inclined his head toward Oliver even as he closed the remaining distance between them.“I must confess, I recognized you on sight.”He extended his hand toward Oliver.“I have to say, I’m a fan.”
Oliver looked at the man’s hand.Then back at his face.“A fan?”He shook the representative’s hand.A soft hand.A little sweaty.Weak grip.Oliver let him go.
“My platform is law and order.You keep the streets safe.I admire the work you do.”Blain glanced around the area.“Seems to be a lot of activity happening.Is everything okay?”
Not exactly.“Didn’t realize you were in town.”
“Here for some meetings.Looking to buy up some property.Actually, I’m in Vegas all the time for my business interests.”His stare returned to Oliver.“I was so relieved when I heard that you’d locked up Lane Lawson.”The fingers of his right hand curled, then flexed.Curled, then flexed.
That’s the hand Lane broke.
“A man like that should never be allowed out again.The death penalty was invented for cases just like his.”A sad sigh slipped from the representative.“Those poor victims.At least their families will soon have justice.”
So, he didn’t have time to bullshit and play mini-political games.“You know Lane, don’t you?”
“Excuse me?”An owlish blink.
“You know Lane—personally—and his sister Lark.They lived with your family once upon a time.”
Blain’s brow furrowed.“I…yes?”A question.
Why was the response a question?
But Blain rallied and added, “My family often took in foster children.We wanted to help others.”He smiled.That bright, artificially white smile.“I’m proud to say that I have followed in the footsteps of my parents.I’ve dedicated my life to service.To helping others.”He turned away.
“Good to know,” Oliver muttered.Then, because he was all about watching reactions, he just had to say… “So you’re not still into slipping into the bedrooms of teenage girls?You gave up that habit?”
Blain whirled to face him.Red patches appeared on his cheeks.“How dare you!”
How dare you, asshole.Oliver shrugged.“Sorry.”He wasn’t.“It’s been a bitch of a day, and I’ve got a stalker to catch.But then you just dropped into my path, like a gift from above.”He edged closer to Blain.“It’s so interesting to me that you’re in town.When did you arrive?”
“Late last night,” Blain gritted out.“Not that it is any concern of yours—”