Page 116 of Enchanted Queen
Even in her human form, she was such a dragon. And that thought had me smiling.
“Tell me what you noticed,” she demanded.
“May I grab John first, Your Grace?” I asked properly. “I was much too busy taking in your ass kicking to notice everything.”
“A-freaking-greed,” Emric offered while putting his whisky in the air in cheers to her.
“I—” Esta smiled at him before turning to me. “I am sorry, Keir. Of course you can fetch John. I didn’t mean to be so abrasive.”
I dipped my chin as I took in her green eyes. “You have nothing to apologize for. Have a seat. I’ll grab John.”
We were back within a minute; Emric having gotten Esta a glass of water while she got situated.
Just as we were about to begin, Malachi landed on my balcony and stuck his head in.Don’t start without me.
I laughed at my friend, further opening the door.
As soon as we were all settled, John started with, “Well, Your Grace, there was so much blatant shock in the room, it was a little hard to decipher.”
“That is to be expected,” Amory said nicely.
“Jagen’s reaction didn’t really seem fake to me,” I offered. “And I am well acquainted with a sibling rivalry over the throne. Heshouldbe our greatest suspect.”
“That would be too easy,” Emric disagreed. “This runs deeper than that.”
“Your father did not look entirely happy to be kicked out of the head seat,” John continued. “And Morana just smiled. Not entirely in a kind way. I thought it a bit odd. Whit and Malachi were calm because they of course knew, and Zaire was too busy peacocking to do much else. His reactions are always tainted by that.”
“Keywordcocking,” Emric deadpanned.
I snorted a laugh at the same time Malachi let out a high whinny. Emric was getting way too comfortable around these Dra Skor women.
John simply looked to the ceiling before continuing on, “Otis’s joy could not have been faked. Mikael was quiet, all I picked up from him was concern. For you.”
“So all we have is my father being my father and a creepy smile?” the queen asked. “They all fell back into line rather quickly. I was somewhat surprised.”
John gave her a smile. “That was all you, Your Highness.” He paused. “The coming days and the ball should tell us more. Their shock can cause delayed reactions. It was easy to be shocked today because they simply were. Anger usually brings about true feelings. I wish we could separately talk to each of them.”
“Then cross Zaire off the list,” I groaned. “He’s been angry since I arrived.”
Esta glared at me while gesturing. “Only because you look like that.”
“Only because he thinks he still owns you,” I snapped back.
John smirked. “On the contrary, Keir, I am wondering if he is, in fact, our biggest suspect. Animosity for Keir the entire time. A clear path to the crown. Some poorly timed comments on Serkan just before his tragic death.”
“But then why would he try to kill me?” Esta asked simply.
John took off his glasses. “It might not have beenyouthey were trying to kill.”
Amory let out a sigh. “But he would have needed Keir to get her back to this form. To wed her and become king consort.”
“He did not know that at the time,” John offered. “Is it possible he wanted to still marry you only in spirit and be the voice for you, the job that Amory held?”
Amory shrugged. “He doesn’t like me all that much either.”
“He doesn’t?” Esta asked, surprised. She gave her head a shake. “I do not think our culprit is him. Truly. We haven’t been close for years. I don’t just mean in an intimate sort of way, I mean at all. We would go a week or longer without speaking, which is odd for all of my generals.”
At the word intimate, my eyes went to the balcony I wanted to jump off and disappear. I didn’t want to think of that jackass near her. Was it irrational jealousy? Was it wanting better for her? A combination of both?