Page 117 of Enchanted Queen
Don’t even think about it,Malachi said to me as if he could read my mind.I will catch you.
I smirked.
Unless you want to go mess with him some more, in which case I will gladly carry you, you need only ask. I don’t like him all that much either.
“But is he capable of this?” I asked Malachi.
The rest of them turned to us, not privy to our own side conversation.
Malachi let out a long sigh.I do not think so? Not nine years ago. Nine years ago, he was different. Nine years ago, I could call him a friend.
I instinctively knew Malachi shared his answer with everyone.
“Yet how he acts now, current day, to those of us who did not previously know him, it does make him suspicious.” John paused. “Now that you are in your human form, will he expect the engagement to be back on, Your Majesty?”
She took a sip of her water. “He may have, had I not been clear back in the war room.”
“I do not envy you,” he responded. “These next few days you will set the tone. And we will continue to watch.”
Yet all we had thus far was one creepy smile, one brother with everything to gain who acted nothing like the traitor, and one scorned lover.
Whowas our traitor?
Istood with my boots in the clear and green tinged lake, Malachi before me. I felt more nervous now than I was with the queen. What if we couldn’t duplicate what I had done with Esta?
Emric stood next to me, and we were going to attempt to both attack the poison, at the same time, to see if it was easier to grab that way. Less heavy.
“Ready?” I asked them both.
Emric gave me a nod. “Visualize anything dark within him. Any blockage or poison, yeah?”
I inhaled deeply. “And then relentlessly chase it down. It may take a while. It’s as if it shifts within them away from us.”
It was just Malachi, Whit, Emric, and I at dawn. We had determined a small party was best, done before any more whispers took flight than already had. The ball was scheduled, the people not yet knowing the reason for it. Yet the whispers still found their way in the shadows. Rumors of the queen being no longer in her dragon form. We needed to know before the ball if this could happen more than once.
“Let’s do this,” Emric said with a nod.
Minutes later, I wished like hell my brother or Jorah were here. It would be so much easier if Emric and my magic could combine. Since they couldn’t, it was as if each of us did a thin layer of magic around the poison within Malachi, but I wasn’t sure it’d be enough. If it would be thick enough to move the damn stuff, whatever it was.
I sent more magic from my fingertips, the buzz of adrenaline along my skin giving me a slight glow.
Once I felt the weight intensify from around what my magic held, I knew we were getting somewhere, I sent more yet, willing that this worked again. Willing that Dra Skor could finally be free of this.
“Get ready to pull,” I warned Emric.
When I was sure we had it all, Malachi barely seen around a mess of blue and deep red, I grabbed hold of my own magic and yanked.
Emric, not prepared for what it felt like, hadn’t braced himself like I did, and fell to his knees when he also yanked his magic back out of Malachi.
“You good?” Malachi asked.
But he was not a horse any longer. I was staring at a lean, half shirtless man. He had brown skin, eyes dark like his black wings. I was beginning to see that each shifter took a trait of theirs with them into their shifted form. Malachi’s must be his eye color.
I turned back to the water where the black mass was again sitting, this time much easier to see in the clearer water of The Aaruk. It looked like a mass of black smoke. I sent my magic out to destroy it, visualizing it exploding the mass, tearing it to pieces. Which was exactly what it did.
Turning back to Malachi, I saw he wasn’t how I imagined he would look. Though I had imagined he normally was as muscular as Dex, Malachi was looking a little too lean currently, but they were almost exactly the same height. I hadn’t been wrong to compare the two in the first place.