Page 118 of Into the Void
I have an opportunity for you to control the way it happens. You can protect your family from the volatile nature of the void, protect your heart from any further pain, and you may name your price. I am sure that there is no need to tell you that my vaults are filled with more than enough wealth to meet any number you request.
If motivation is a problem, I went to the effort of providing another incentive. The lovely girls with whom you are so close. Quinn and Julia. They will not be harmed if you assist me with our shared problem. You have my word.
Kill the void. Use the dagger. End the threat he poses to your people and mine.
I hope you and your family are well. Please extend my warmest greetings to your parents. I have no doubt I will meet them soon.
Yours faithfully,
Cara felt the world slipping out of her control, and she could barely hear herself speak through the sound of her heartbeat thundering through her ears.
“Oh, god,” she whispered.
In the silence that followed, she heard her phone vibrating in the kitchen. She was getting another phone call. Had it been ringing this entire time?
Suddenly, Jackson shuddered and took a step back, almost falling over the couch. “God, I feel so weird. I... When did I get here?”
Her hands were frozen in place, and she couldn’t let go of the note. “A few minutes ago.”
He looked around, and she could feel the cloud lifting off him as his eyes focused. “Is Quinn here?”
“No,” Cara said.
“Oh, okay. I should... I should go home, I think.”
“You don’t look well,” she said.
“Yeah, I might be coming down with something. Maybe it’s a head cold. I’m not sure.”
“Get some rest,” Cara said. “You’ll feel better.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I think I will.”
She read the note again as her heart tried to break out of her chest. Her eyes drifted to the dagger on the coffee table in front of her, and her stomach turned, but she couldn’t take her eyes off it.
She realised Jackson wasn’t moving, and she looked up. “Jackson?”
He was staring at the wall, but his eyes returned to her when she spoke. “What?”
She moved closer and took his arm. She could feel the supernatural energy clinging to him like smoke, but she couldn’t do anything about it. It would take time for the vampire’s influence to fade.
“You should go home,” she said. “Lie down for a while. Rest. Do you understand what I’m saying?”
He nodded. “Yeah. Yeah, I feel weird. Must be sick.”
She walked with him to the front door, but he looked confused and distracted, and he kept zoning out. “You know what?” Cara said. “You should stay in Quinn’s room. Just for a while.”
“Wouldn’t that be kind of weird?” he asked. “She’s not here. I don’t think I should. What if she comes home and freaks out?”
She’s not coming home any time soon.Cara’s hands were shaking, and she quickly slipped them into her pockets. “She’s expecting you,” Cara said. “Don’t you remember?”
Jackson frowned, and Cara held her breath. Her friends always said that she was a bad liar, but she could only hope that Jackson was so disoriented that he wouldn’t notice. She couldn’t let him leave. In his condition, he was more likely to get himself hurt or robbed than he was to get himself home safely.
“If you say so,” he finally said. “Thanks, Cara. I don’t know what’s wrong with me today.”
She forced a smile as he walked towards the stairs, and the doorbell rang behind her.