Page 119 of Into the Void
“I’ll get it,” she told Jackson as he turned back.
She opened the door to find Nick standing there. He was breathing hard, like he’d been running, and his eyes were wide. “Why aren’t you answering your phone?” he demanded.
She frowned, and then noticed the man standing behind him. He gave her a warm smile, and she automatically returned it.
“Hi,” she said.
“Hello,” the man said.
“Oh, this is my dad, Henry,” Nick said. “Seriously, Cara, why didn’t you-” He broke off. “Jackson?”
Cara glanced over her shoulder. Jackson was standing on the stairs, staring into space. He blinked and looked up at them, frowning again.
“It’s okay, Jackson,” she said. “Go upstairs and lie down.”
He nodded and wandered upstairs, heading for Quinn’s bedroom.
“So,” Nick said as she turned back to him. His eyes were on Jackson, and they were full of anger as he saw what they had done to his friend. “I’m guessing you already know.”
“I do,” she said.
He hesitated. “Can we come in?”
She thought about the note on the table, and then she stepped out of the way.
“Thanks.” Nick led the way into the house, and Cara closed the door behind them.
She just hoped her choice wouldn’t put her friends in even more danger.
Chapter 44 - Cara
“You have a lovely house,” Henry said.
“Thanks,” she said. “It’s nice to meet you.” Her eyes were on Nick. He was reading the note from the vampires.
“You, too,” Henry said.
Nick threw the note onto the table and dragged a hand through his hair as he started cursing loudly.
“That’s enough, Nick,” Henry said, reading the note himself.
“Where’s Brett?” Cara asked.
“At home,” Nick said. “He told us about Quinn and Julia. He saw them and recognised them from a party I brought him to. He didn’t know their names, but we put the pieces together. The note confirms what we guessed.”
“How’s he doing?” she asked.
“He’s... adjusting. We thought it was best to leave him at home. He’s still working to control his impulses, and we can’t risk him losing control in public.”
Nick sat on the couch, letting out an angry sigh, and he reached for the dagger.
“Don’t,” she said, grabbing his arm.
“What’s wrong?”
“It could be poisoned,” she said. “Or hexed, maybe. Do you trust the vampires?”