Page 39 of Into the Void
“Three witches who lead the coven. They’re old and powerful and experienced.”
“Then I need to talk to them.”
“Nick, no, that’s not a good idea.”
“Why not?”
“You’re a void. They think you’re...” She sighed. “They think you’re a monster. A killer. I’m sorry, but that’s what they believe.”
“Why is everyone so scared of voids? So what if I can take magic away from people? That’s it. That’s not going to protect me from vampires or bullets or weapons or whatever else is out there. There’s a war starting in this city. I can’t be caught in the middle of it.”
“You might not have a choice,” she said.
“I’m supposed to be in college. We both are.”
“We can do both,” she said. “And it’s not forever. We’ll figure out what to do, and everything will go back to normal.”
He looked at her. “Are you sure?”
“Yes, but... Maybe you’re right. We need help, and I don’t know where else we’re going to get it.”
Nick nodded. “So we go to the witches. And what if you’re wrong?”
“About my family?”
“About this being temporary. The war, the witches, vampires, voids, everything. What if things don’t go back to normal?”
She stood up, pushing the chair back into place beside the others. “Then at least we’ll have allies. The witch families have experience and power.”
“Okay. Okay. Sorry, I’m just freaking out a bit. I’m not usually like this, I swear. I’m usually more level-headed.”
“It’s alright. I’ve been a witch my whole life, so I’m used to it. You’re brand new to this. If you ask me, you’re dealing with it pretty well.”
Nick laughed. “I’ll pretend to believe you.”
“I’m serious,” she said.
“You don’t believe me. Do you think I’d lie to you?”
“To make me feel better, yeah. You seem like the type.”
“How would you know what type of person I am?”
He shrugged. “Gut feeling.”
Chapter 13 - Nick
They left Cara’s house, and Nick drove. He borrowed Brett’s car, after a lengthy argument about everything Brett would do to him if he damaged it.
“So much as a scratch,” Brett had said.
“I know, I know. This isn’t the first time I’ve borrowed it.”