Page 40 of Into the Void
“Yeah, but this is the first time we’re dealing with vampires.”
“You’re worried about vampires scratching your car?”
“Of course.”
Nick almost laughed. “Of course.”
So Nick was being extra cautious as he drove towards Cara’s parents house. It was outside the city, but the drive wasn’t very long, and it was a nice day.
Music streamed from the speakers, filling the car and covering the lack of conversation. It was a comfortable silence, but Nick could tell that Cara was still thinking about her friends.
They lied to Julia, Quinn and Jackson, telling them that they were going to get coffee. Nick said it, since Cara didn’t trust herself not to give them away. Apparently, her friends could see straight through any of her attempts at a lie.
And Quinn pulled Cara aside before they left. Nick stood by the door, trying not to eavesdrop, but he heard everything.
“We haven’t forgotten about all the weird behaviour recently,” Quinn said. “I can’t force you to talk, but don’t forget that we’re here for you. Both of us. Okay? Even if you don’t want to talk to me, Julia will listen. We’re here if you need us.”
They left, and Nick didn’t mention it, and neither did Cara.
Nick wasn’t expecting Quinn to be so concerned with someone else’s wellbeing, but he realised he didn’t know her that well.
“It’s just up here,” Cara said, pulling Nick back to the present. “The house on the left. Yeah, that one.”
Nick was on autopilot, and he parked where she told him, not realising until he turned off the engine that he barely remembered leaving the main road from the city and driving into the town.
“You okay?” she asked.
“I’m fine,” he said. He was nervous, sure, but he’d faced vampires and survived. If he could do that, he could do this.
They got out of the car and approached the house.
“Oh, I almost forgot about the wards,” she said, turning to him. “Be careful of the-”
Nick stepped onto the invisible line of magical symbols. He could feel the magic pulsing beneath him, but he ignored it and kept walking.
“Oh, right,” Cara said.
“You passed it, too,” Nick said. “Is that because you live here?”
They walked up to the house, and Cara opened the door. There was a flurry of movement and a huge furry creature lunged out of the house. Nick stepped back as the mountain of fur and muscle and teeth jumped at them, but the dog was barking and trying to lick Cara’s face, and she pushed him away with a delighted laugh.
“Stop, Finn! Down, boy, down.”
The dog - if it was even a dog, rather than an actual wolf - hopped down onto all four legs and started rushing around Cara’s legs. His tail was wagging frantically and he let out a few more happy barks.
“A dog,” Nick said, immediately breaking into a smile. “You didn’t tell me you had a dog.”
“It didn’t come up,” she said. “And he’s more my mother’s dog than mine, really.”
There was more movement inside, but instead of seeing anyone old enough to be Cara’s parents, there was a guy approaching who looked to be about the same age as them.
“Jay, what are you doing here?” she asked. “Is there a coven meeting?”
“Your parents were out, and they asked me to mind the house.”
Cara took a moment. “They wanted someone to wait for me to come home.”