Page 25 of Alex
“I appreciate it.” Alex headed out the door.
As he sat at his desk, he wondered what Dylan was doing. He was sure she was thinking about her bull. He hoped he’d get some good news for her, but it wasn’t looking like it. At least, not yet. His informant usually came through, but he couldn’t give him anything if nothing was out there to give.
The following day, at lunchtime, he pushed the seat away from his desk, stood, stretched, picked up his hat, placed it on his head, and shrugged his coat on. Then he strode from the office, out to the elevators and out the front doors.
The air was crisp and cool, but soon warmer weather would move in. Once March made up its mind. That was one thing he hated about the job. He sweated in the summer and froze in the winter. It wasn’t fun being out in any season, but he’d take spring or fall over any others.
After stepping out of the building, he glanced around, then headed for the diner. He was hungry. It had been a long time since breakfast, and he could smell those frying onions and burgers from here.
He jogged down the steps, crossed the street, and strolled to the diner. He touched the brim of his hat to everyone he passed, until he came to the diner. He opened the door, stepped inside, and nodded to everyone who waved at him.
He grinned as he took a seat at the counter, and Lanie Donovan poured him a glass of water.
“Hi, Alex. What can I get you?”
“Hey, Lanie. My usual is fine. How’s Trent?”
“He’s great. You need to stop out and see him.”
“I’ll do that.”
“I’m sure he’d appreciate it.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
When Lanie walked off, he spun around on the stool, placed his elbows on the counter behind him, and glanced around the crowded little diner.
The door over the bell jingled, and he looked over to see Dylan, Marlowe, and Peyton enter. Dylan stopped when she saw him, and Peyton ran into the back of her. When she stumbled forward and stared at him, he stared back then nodded, and spun back around on the stool. He’d do his job and forget about Dylan Walters.Yeah, right.
Dylan took a deep breath and weaved her way through the tables.
“Aren’t you going to speak to him?” Peyton asked her when they reached the booth and sat.
“Uh, no. Not right now.” Dylan slid into the booth with her back to Alex.
“Okay, what’s going on?” Marlowe asked as she sat next to her, and Peyton sat across from them.
“Nothing.” Dylan shook her head but sighed when both women stared at her. “He kissed me, and I told him I couldn’t get involved with him.”
“He kissed you? When?” Peyton sat forward.
“Yesterday. I… kissed him too.” Dylan shrugged.
“Was it good?” Marlowe grinned.
Dylan sighed. “It was… amazing.”
“You know why I won’t get involved with him.”
“Yes, but did you tell him why?”
“No. I didn’t feel I had to explain myself.”
“That’s bullshit and you know it, Dylan. For God’s sake, he has no clue as to why you’d turn him down.” Peyton frowned.