Page 26 of Alex
“He’ll just think I’m not interested.”
“Oh, but you are. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be bothering you so much.”
“It’s not bothering me, Peyton,” Dylan snapped, then ground her teeth when Peyton laughed.
“That is one good-looking man. You’d be a fool not to go for it.” Peyton folded her arms.
“Would you? As much as you’re against dating cowboys, would you go out with one just because he’s good-looking?”
Peyton shrugged.
“And always end up being hurt. It’s not worth it, Peyton.” Dylan folded her arms as she stared at her friend.
“I call bullshit, Dylan. Look at me and Hank. We’re happy. I know he loves me and will never hurt me. There are good cowboys out there, and I believe Agent Reeves is one.”
“He’s also a livestock agent,” Peyton added.
“But still a cowboy. I mean, look at him, for God’s sake. He fits the cowboy persona perfectly.”
Peyton sighed. “Yes, he does. I think you should go for it.”
“What? You’re so set against cowboys.”
“I know, but then Marlowe found Hank. I think he’s great and he adores her. I want that. I just don’t know if I want to try it with another cowboy.”
“Maybe what you and Dylan need to do is date a cowboy and see how it goes. You know as well as I do that there are good ones out there. Hank is great. Sure, he’s a cowboy, but he’s a damn good man.” Marlowe sat back, folded her arms, and stared at them.
“I’m so afraid of being hurt again, Marlowe. I have so much baggage where cowboys are concerned, and it started with my father. If I had just seen it then instead of thinking he walked on water, I would have stayed far away.”
“Your dad isn’t a good man, Peyton. We all know that. I hate how he hurt you and your mom.” Dylan shook her head.
“I don’t care how he treated me, but I can never forgive him for what he did to Mom. She loved him so much and all he did was hurt her, both physically and mentally. I’d love for her to find a good man and settle down again. I hate the idea that she’s alone.”
“She’ll never be alone as long as she has you.”
Peyton smiled. “It’s not the same.”
“No. It’s not. You’re right, and maybe she will find someone. She’s still a beautiful woman,” Marlowe said.
“Yes, she is.” Peyton shook her head. “She probably doesn’t want a cowboy either.”
“You never know. I haven’t seen her in a while. How is she doing, Peyton?” Dylan asked.
“She seems fine. She’s happier, but I know she thinks something is missing, and as much as I hate to admit it, I’m sure she’s missing a man in her life. I want her happy.”
“What about you, Peyton? Don’t you deserve to be happy, too?” Dylan reached across the table to touch her hand.
“I believe I do. It’s just finding that one man who wants to put me above anything else, including other women. I’m so tired of getting my heart broken.”
“Hank is so different. He works so hard, but he makes time for me. We do a lot of things together, and I love every minute I spend with him. When I think that I didn’t want to get involved with him…” Marlowe shook her head. “I can’t imagine him not in my life. I know we’ll have arguments because he is one hardheaded cowboy, but we’ll get through them.”
“Oh, please. He’s not the only hardhead in that relationship,” Dylan said with a smile.
“You sit here, and look at that man, Dylan, and you tell me you’re not interested in seeing where a relationship with him could go. He’s downright sexy. Go for it.” Peyton grinned.
“I already told him I wouldn’t get involved with him.”
“It’s a woman’s prerogative to change her mind, and honey, if that man doesn’t change yours, you’re hopeless.” Marlowe smirked.