Page 66 of Alex
Alex smirked. “Then come on. Put her down and show me what you got. I don’t have my weapon drawn, so let’s do this, but I guarantee you will not leave here with her.”
“She’s my daughter,” Travis shouted.
Dylan saw Alex clench his jaw as he stepped closer.
“She isnotyour daughter. You gave up that right when you took her with you to buy drugs.You almost killed her!”
Dylan had never seen Alex so angry. It was as if it were his daughter he was trying to save. She watched him fold his arms and stare at Travis, but Travis refused to let Zoey down. She could feel the anger rolling off Alex.
“Travis, please,” she said, and watched as he turned to look at her, and that was all the time Alex needed to rush at him. He took Travis and Zoey to the floor, but the little girl got to her feet and ran to her mother.
Dylan tried to get up, but she couldn’t. Her head was spinning from Travis’s fist. She pulled her daughter into her arms and turned to see the two men wrestling around on the ground. She saw Alex get the better of Travis, roll him to his back, and then straddle him. He punched him in the face several times.
“Alex,” she choked out, then cleared her throat. “Alex, stop.Please.”
She saw him stop with his fist raised above his head, ready to hit Travis again, but he took a deep breath and stood, slapping Travis’s leg as he did.
“Piece of shit.”
When Travis moaned, Alex leaned over, grabbed his shirt, and pulled him to his feet. He jerked him close and stared into his eyes.
“You ever speak to her again, we’ll finish this. If you ever hit her again, or touch Zoey, I’ll put you in the ground. Are we clear?” Alex shook him when he didn’t answer. “I said, are we clear?”
“Yes,” Travis whispered, then spit blood out.
“You fucking pussy.”
Alex let go of him, and Travis fell to the ground. Then Alex walked to where she lay. He sat down, pulled her onto his lap while she held Zoey, and brushed Dylan’s hair off her face.
“I’m so sorry, baby.”
“It wasn’t your fault. God! Did he break my cheek?” She gently touched her sore cheek.
“No, but it’s going to hurt like a bitch.”
“Now what?”
“I’m calling the sheriff’s department. I wanted to check on you first.”
“Zoey? Sweetheart? Are you okay?” Alex asked, when she crawled onto his lap and wrapped her little arms tight around his neck and cried.
“He hurt my mama,” Zoey cried.
“I know, sweetheart, but he never will again. I promise you.”
“Don’t let him get away,” Dylan said.
“He’s not going anywhere.” Alex pulled his phone from his pocket and called the sheriff’s office. After speaking with them for a few minutes, he disconnected and put the phone away. “They’re on the way. Are you okay?”
“My damn cheek hurts like a bitch. Are you sure he didn’t break it?”
“I don’t think it’s broken. I’ve seen enough broken bones to know, but I’m sure they’ll x-ray it when we get to the hospital to make sure.” He kissed her head.
She saw Travis roll onto his back and pointed at him.
“Don’t make me get up and have to put your ass back down. The sheriff is on his way. It looks like you’re going back to prison. I’d say for a long time.”