Page 67 of Alex
“Fuck you,” Travis muttered, then spit out more blood.
“Nah, I hear you’re not very good at it.”
Dylan laughed and then gasped at the pain.
“Don’t make me laugh, Agent Reeves.”
“Yes, ma’am.” He chuckled.
He grinned when he heard the sirens. Travis Martin was heading back to prison, and odds were, he wasn’t getting out this time. Not for a long time.
“Sheriff’s Department,” a voice called out.
Alex looked at the door to the barn to see Nevada Shelton and Brody Morgan enter the barn with their weapons drawn.
“Over here,” Alex shouted.
Both deputies ran toward them, and Brody stood over Martin, aiming his weapon at him.
“What the hell is going on, Alex?” Nevada asked him.
After Alex explained the situation, he saw Nevada clench his jaw as he pulled Martin to his feet.
“You will press charges, right, Dylan?”
“Good. I’m going to enjoy this,” Nevada muttered. “You have the right to remain silent…”
Alex and Dylan watched as he led Martin to his SUV cruiser and put him in the back then Dylan burst into tears as Alex held her and Zoey, and never wanted to let them go. He loved them both so much. He couldn’t imagine his life without them. He hoped he never had to.
Chapter Eight
A week after Travis was arrested, Dylan rode her horse along the fence. Her cheek still hurt like a bitch, but it wasn’t broken, but she had a huge bruise to show for it. She smiled when she remembered how Marlowe and Peyton had reacted…
“I will fucking kill him,” Peyton snarled as she stared at the bruise.
“I’ll help you. When I told Hank about it, he wanted to go after Travis himself and he doesn’t even know him.” Marlowe shook her head.
Her two friends had her back and she had theirs. Dylan was just glad it was finally over. She was so happy with Alex, and she hoped it stayed that way. She knew they’d have arguments, but thinking about making up, made her grin. The man was fantastic in bed, and he knew how to treat a woman out of bed too.
She was in so deep, and she wanted to know how he felt, but he hadn’t said, other then telling her he was crazy about her. Well, that could mean a lot of things in her opinion. Being crazy about someone didn’t mean you loved them. Did it?
With a deep sigh, she continued along the fence, but reined the horse to a stop when she saw a section down.
“What the hell?” She dismounted and walked to the section. She gasped when she saw it was just like the last time, but further along. It was cut but still stretched out. What was going on? She stood in the stirrups, removed her phone from her pocket and called Justin.
“Did you know the fence was cut?”
“What? Where?”
“Same place as before.”
“Did you call Agent Reeves?”
“Not yet. I will now.” She disconnected, then called Alex.
“Hey, darlin’,” he said when he answered.