Page 71 of Alex
“Go with her,” Beau said.
“Thanks, Beau.” Alex ran to the ambulance and climbed inside. He took her hand and never took his eyes off her as they rode to the hospital.
Dylan blinked her eyes against the glaring lights from the ceiling, then glanced around. She was in a hospital room. She moved to sit up but hissed in a breath at the pain in her shoulder.
“Don’t try to sit up, honey.”
Dylan looked to the doorway to see her mother entering the room.
“Mom,” she croaked, then cleared her throat. “Mom, how long have I been here?”
LeeAnne walked to the bed, took her daughter’s hand, and sat in the chair. Dylan saw her blink tears away and she squeezed her hand.
“Two days. You had to have surgery to remove the bullet. I’m so glad you’re all right.”
“Alex? Where’s Alex?” Dylan tried to sit up again, but her mother placed her hands on her shoulders to keep her down.
“He’s fine. He just left to go home to shave and shower. He has rarely left your bedside.”
“He wasn’t shot?”
“No. He called for backup, and they arrived very quickly. Alex stayed with you from the time you were shot.”
Dylan sighed. “I’m so glad he’s all right. Where’s Zoey?”
“She’s with CeCe and Justin. I’ll pick her up on my way home. Marlowe and Peyton are here too. They’re in the waiting room. Only two people are allowed in here at a time.”
Dylan blinked tears away. “I want to see them, Mom.”
LeeAnne smiled as she stood. “I’ll get them.” She leaned down, kissed Dylan’s head, and left the room.
When Marlowe and Peyton entered the room, they all cried as they hugged as best they could without hurting Dylan. Peyton sat in the chair Dylan’s mother had vacated, and Marlowe sat in one on the other side of the bed. Each of them held her hand.
“We were so scared, Dylan,” Peyton said as she sniffed back tears.
“Alex saved my life.”
“What happened, Dylan?”
“Someone had cut the fence again, and we decided to camp close to it. Although Alex thought the fence had been cut for a while, he was sure something wasn’t right. About that time, a shot rang out. Alex threw me down and covered me with his body. Then he got us behind a tree, but when we tried to run, they shot at us, and got me. I tried to stay conscious, but I couldn’t. I don’t know what happened after that.” She gasped.
“What? Are you in pain?” Peyton shot to her feet.
Dylan groaned and placed her hands over her face.
“No, I’m not in pain. Oh, my God. I think I told Alex I loved him.”
“What? Are you sure?” Peyton sunk back into the chair.
“No, I’m not sure. It’s blurry after I got shot. I hope I didn’t.”
“Why not? You do, don’t you?” Marlowe asked.
“Yes, but I didn’t want to tell him without knowing how he felt.” She groaned again. “How am I going to face him?”
“Just play it cool. Don’t mention it. Wait and see if he does.” Peyton nodded.