Page 72 of Alex
“Yeah, I’ll do that.”
“Hank said if you need anything to let him know.”
“Tell him thanks for me, Marlowe. I really appreciate it.”
They talked for a while until Dylan’s pain needed attention. She pressed the button for the nurse and told her she needed something for the pain.
“We should go. You need to rest. It’s the best thing for you,” Marlowe said as she squeezed her hand.
“I’m sure whatever they give me will make me sleep.” Dylan smiled.
“Oh, it definitely will,” a nurse said as she entered the room, with a hypodermic needle. She gave Dylan the medicine, smiled and left the room.
“We’ll see you when you get home.” Peyton smiled.
“When is that?”
“I think Alex said you could go home tomorrow.”
“Oh, okay, that sounds nice,” Dylan slurred, as the pain meds kicked in. She closed her eyes and fell asleep.
Later that evening, she sat up in bed, watching TV with a tray of food in front of her, but she didn’t have much of an appetite. She lifted the lid and surveyed the contents, but her face twisted in disgust, and she quickly covered it again.
“You won’t get better if you don’t eat,” a voice said from the doorway.
Dylan turned to see Alex leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed. He looked handsome as ever, and she was grateful that he was safe. A tear rolled down her cheek.
Alex pushed off the doorframe and walked towards her. He gently wiped away the tear with his thumb before taking her hand.
“Why are you crying?” he whispered, sitting down in a nearby chair.
“I’m just so relieved that you’re okay.”
“Not as relieved as I am that you are.”
“Kiss me, please. Just to make sure this isn’t a dream.”
Alex smiled. “I’ll kiss you whenever you want.”
He stood up, leaned down, and kissed her deeply. When he pulled back, he looked into her eyes.
“I was so scared that I was going to lose you,” he whispered, his voice cracking.
“You saved me,” she replied, placing her hand on his cheek.
“I’m just glad backup got there in time. Beau arrived quickly because he doesn’t live far, and then he called for more agents.”
“Beau? Is he another agent?”
“Yes, he’s been an agent longer than I have. I knew he’d get other agents there. I’m glad he did.”
“Same here.”
“I shouldn’t have taken you along with me.”
“But I wanted to come, Alex.”
“And it did no good for me to tell you to stay behind.” He shook his head. “How am I supposed to handle such a determined woman?”