Page 100 of Deadly Games
“Why? Why did you do this to me? What did I ever do to you for you to rape me?” I shout, feeling fat, angry tears fall from my eyes. “Why?”
“Why?” He laughs, taking another step forward. “You really are a dumb bitch, aren’t you?”
I shake my head, not understanding where he’s going with this. I’ve never been anything but a good friend to him. I’ve always made it clear that we were only ever going to be friends.
“Years I put up with you. Fucking years. You were always there, in my face, kissing my cheek whenever you had the chance, cuddling me, or sitting on my lap. You were always making sure to keep me on your tight fucking leash.”
“What are you talking about?” I ask him, my eyebrows lowering. I kiss most people on the cheek goodbye. I cuddle all my friends. It’s who I am. As for sitting on his lap, he was my friend. I didn’t think he’d care or take it as an invitation to rape me.
He laughs again, and I take another step backwards, moving a little to the side when he steps forward.
“You flaunted yourself in front of me for years and expected me to sit back and take it. You threw other lads in my face, trying to make me jealous. Well, I had enough. You needed the push.” He sneers.
“Are you insane?” I ask quietly. “I’ve never, not once, given you any kind of impression I had any feelings for you other than being your friend. If you didn’t like it, you should have said something. It doesn’t give you the right to rape someone,” I scream at him, my anger building higher and higher by the second.
“All you fucking bitches deserved it. Why should I waste more fucking time on some slut? This way, we all get what we want,” he tells me. He makes it sound like he was doing us a favour. How can he even remotely think anyone would want this, to be violated and taken against their will?
“You rape girls, Logan. You take them against their will. If they had a choice, they would never want to sleep with you. Is that why you did it? Because you knew I’d never sleep with you otherwise? It’s the same with all those other girls. You’re a weak fucking man, Logan; one who is going to pay for what he’s done.”
With wide eyes, I watch him transform before me, looking like a wild, angry beast ready to massacre a village of people. It’s the scariest thing I’ve ever witnessed. The veins in his neck and temples pulse, and redness spreads across his face and down his neck. Worriedly, I take a step back, finding myself bumping into the edge of his bed.
“Do you really think you can stop me? None of you can stop me. No one will ever believe some cheap slut like you over someone like me. I’m going to be someone, but you… You’ll forever be some cheap skank,” he spits at me.
Shocked is the only way to describe what I’m feeling right now. “You honestly believe that? Theonlything you’ll ever be is a rapist,” I tell him, calmer than I feel.
“You fucking asked for it,” he grates out.
“No, I didn’t,” I choke out. “I thought you were my friend. I thought you cared about me. But you’re not who I thought you were. What happened to you, Logan? What happened for you to turn into this savage?”
“This is who I am,” he declares, and steps closer.
“I hate you. I fucking hate you,” I cry out, not bothering to hide the tears that are falling.
“Yeah? Well, I’m about to fuck you like I hate you,” he growls angrily, and bends a little at the waist, ready to attack me. I move quickly, jumping onto the bed and racing for the door. “Get back here!”
Blood pulses through my veins. My whole body feels like jelly as I work it harder than ever to get out of here. I’m off the bed in a split second, my hand reaching out for the door handle. I don’t get far, my fingers barely reaching the handle before I’m ripped back by my hair. The wig I was wearing falls to the floor, and the bun my hair was in comes free, falling in waves across my face.
A piercing scream reaches my ears, and it takes me a second to comprehend that it’s coming from me. A small whimper escapes me when I realise no one will hear me over the music. No one will come to my rescue. I’m on my own.
Logan pushes me to the ground, and a frightened squeak leaves my mouth.
“Get off me,” I shout, kicking out with all my strength.
“No. I think you need a reminder of who’s in charge around here,” he tells me, then bites the inside of my leg. I howl out in pain and start to wriggle, twisting and turning. I end up on my stomach, crawling my way towards the door, when he grabs my ankle. Kicking out again, I land a kick to his face, and a deafening roar rips from his chest.
I use the distraction to move further away, and I’m on my knees when he strikes me again, sending me tumbling. My chin smacks off the floor, causing me to bite down on my tongue. Blood fills my mouth. Before he can rise above me, I grab the closest thing my hand comes into contact with under the bed and turn over onto my back. I’m shocked to find I’m holding a metal bat. It feels heavy in my hand, making me feel more powerful than I actually feel right now.
With as much force as I can with the little room I have, I swing the bat, smacking him in the shoulder. It sends him rolling to the side, grunting in pain, a look of pure rage painted on his face.
On shaky legs, I manage to stand up and back away from Logan, though that means stepping further into the room and away from the exit.
“Move,” I demand, holding the bat above my head. I’m surprised I can hold it with how badly my hands and arms are shaking.
“Put that down,” he growls, spitting blood on the carpet.
“You forget, I know what you’re capable of,” I spit back, not once looking away from him. I don’t know where I’m finding the strength, since seconds ago, I felt like my body was ready to give up on me completely.
“You know nothing,” he says with a sneer. I choke back on a sob, not recognising the person before me at all. It’s like someone has taken over his body, some pure evil, a demon of sorts. He looks like he’d rip my soul out and sing a nursery rhyme whilst doing it. Just one look from him has put the fear of God into me.