Page 101 of Deadly Games
“I know all I need to know,” I tell him, my voice beginning to shake at the realisation I may have to use the bat secured tightly in my hand.
This is bad, so very fucking bad.
“No, you don’t. But I’ll let you in on a secret: I’m going to tear you apart. I’m going to fuck you so hard, you’ll never let that prick Cole near you. After I’m done fucking you, I’ll let Jamie have a go, then the rest of my friends. They already know you like it rough. Maybe I’ll fuck your arse this time too.” He grins evilly, and this time, I have to swallow back bile, leaving an acid taste burning in my mouth.
They say that bad luck comes in threes, or good luck, whichever way you want to look at it. I don’t know if you’d call what happened to me bad luck. However, I’m not about to let something else bad happen to me, not without putting up a fight.
I was in too much shock, and scared when I first woke up and realised what Logan had done to me. This time, I’m not. I’m not drugged or weak. I’m stronger. Not because of him or because I’ve had great support around me, but because of myself. I’ve made myself stronger. I know life isn’t rainbows and roses, and that it can be dark, grey and cruel. I’ve fought through one of the hardest tragedies a woman can go through and I’ve come out of it still intact. I’ve seen what trusting someone can do to you, but I’m still able to trust others.
He may have destroyed me, but there’s no doubt I’ve slowly put myself back together, stronger than ever.
“What? You got nowt to say?” he goads.
“Yeah, I do. It’s over. I’m never letting you hurt anyone else ever again. I know everything, Logan. I know about your little bets with Jamie, your sick games, and that you record what you do,” I tell him, faking the small smirk on my lips. I’m rattled, more than rattled, but I’ll be damned if I show him that. I’d rather go down fighting. It helps that the metal bat is still gripped in the palms of my sweaty hands.
An animalistic roar escapes his throat. His bloodshot eyes glare at me viciously, and a sudden soul-shattering chill runs down my spine.
Everything around me fizzles out, and it’s like a bomb goes off inside me. I raise the bat higher, my hands gripping it tighter, and before I can comprehend what I’m about to do, I swing, connecting the bat to the side of Logan’s face. Bones crunch.
An ear-splitting screech echoes around the room, and I lose control, like a band snapping inside me, letting the dark side of me free. I lift the bat again, this time my strength weakening, and bring it down on his shoulder.
He howls in pain, but I don’t blink. I can’t. A sick side of me wants to see him suffer, to have him begging me to stop.
“I hate you,” I scream, my voice shrill. “I fucking hate you!”
I don’t stop raising the bat, this time hitting him close to his groin. I’m crying, my sobs a tad higher than my screams. Blinding light hits my face, and I look up through wet tears to find Cole and CJ looking at me with wide, fearful eyes. I’m unsure whether it’s because of my safety or because of what I’ve done.
The second my eyes meet Cole’s, my body slumps, the bat slipping from my fingers and falling to the floor. Before I know it, my knees are hitting the soft carpet next to Logan’s unconscious body.
Strong arms wrap around me, and I sob into Cole’s warm, familiar chest, feeling ashamed for what I’ve done. What I don’t feel is guilt. I’m glad he gets to suffer some sort of pain, and if that makes me an evil person then so be it. I can live with that.
“It’s okay, Low. It’s over,” he whispers against my hair. I move away from him, glancing up into his stormy blue eyes, and whimper. He has a few red marks on his cheek and jaw, along with a split lip. I reach out, cupping his face, and everything falls back into place. I’m finally back in control.
“What have I done?” I whisper, my eyes wide with fear. I turn to Logan, who is still lying unconscious. If it wasn’t for the fact his chest is rising and falling, I’d believe he was dead.
“What you needed to do to survive,” he tells me softly, already making me feel stronger once again.
“He… He kept DVDs of what he did,” I stumble out, then pull my bag strap from around my neck and shakily empty the contents over the floor. I point to the folder.
CJ steps in, an angry bruise already swelling below his right eye. I want to ask what happened, but I don’t want to risk forgetting to tell them something. If I change the subject now, I have a feeling I’ll never get any of this out.
“Sick motherfucker. Pass me that bat,” CJ demands, and a high-pitched giggle tumbles from my lips. I slap a hand over my mouth, but it’s too late. Both CJ and Cole look at me like I’m crazy, and maybe I am, but after everything that has happened, no one could really blame me.
“It’s over,” I laugh. “It’s really over,” I repeat, laughing so hard it turns into another sob, one that causes a horrendous pain in my chest. Cole pulls me against him, holding me tight, until a few police officers and a couple of paramedics enter the room. He stands me up and leads me out of the room, though not before showing a man, who I presume is his uncle, where the evidence is. I also notice the police officer who took my statement looking through the stuff I left in the chest and on the floor, a disgusted look on her face.
“Holy crap, are you okay?” Allie gasps when we step into the front room. The room is practically empty, only a few people lingering, and that’s probably because they live here. I also notice Jamie being handcuffed outside. His face is busted up and he’s not wearing a shirt.
His gaze meets mine through the doorway, and a sinister sneer reaches his face.
“I’m going to fucking kill you, you bitch. I’ll fucking kill you,” he roars through the door. I whimper, my body feeling too drained to move, to fight.
“Not before some bloke called Tiny makes you his bitch and kills you, you fucking prick,” CJ shouts back, and an officer close by gives him a warning look. “I’m done. I’m done. I had some soap jokes ready, so you’re lucky.” He winks at her. She mutters something under her breath before moving over to one of the people sitting in the corner, all of whom look shocked and appalled over everything they’re hearing around them.
“Are you okay?” Allie repeats, this time standing next to me.
“No thanks to you two,” CJ snaps.
Allie turns her narrowed eyes on him but says nothing. She just glares, before turning back to me with a softer expression.