Page 20 of Beautiful Trauma
I could feel dye on my forehead, but unlike the salon, there was no mirror around to look. I wiped as best I could with the side of my hand. “But I’m not wrong.”
“No. But yeah, I was a little shit, and my mother won’t let me forget it.”
I laughed. “So why am I learning about your parents?”
“Just making conversation, bestie. I think their lack of a functional relationship is why I’m such a sucker for romance books. But with my lifestyle, it’s a fairy tale.”
“Connor and Mish ended up together.” I shrug.
Sergio let out an exasperated sigh. “He had no idea who she was. I’m looking for more substance. That’s damn near impossible when you are in a new city all the time.”
“You have plenty of time.” I turned to face him. “Unless you knock up some rando in the meantime.”
“Let’s not tempt fate, eh?”
We played some video games while we waited for the hair dye to do its thing. I tried to convince Sergio that I could rinse my hair in the sink alone, but he insisted that this was his moment to shine.
The sweet revenge I got from not reminding him he needed the gloves was worth the entire experience. By the time he finished rinsing, shampooing, and conditioning, he was blue up to his elbows. The entire area surrounding the sink was also dark blue.
My hair didn’t look terrible, but it also didn’t look great. We used boxed dye while rolling down the highway, so it was uneven and weird, but overall, it was the adventure Sergio promised.
Tom was the first to make his way out to see the ‘makeover.’ Serge stood proudly next to me, declaring he was going to be a hairstylist when he retired from rock and roll. “I don’t think you should quit this gig. It looks like you murdered a fucking Smurf in here.” Tom pointed to the spots of blue all over the floor, the wall, and the chairs.
“But look at this fabulous hair, Tom.” Sergio gestured wildly at my head.
“Look at those blue arms.” Tom gestured back toward Sergio. “Not even going to say what I’m thinking about that.”
“What, that it looks like he was elbow-deep in that Marvel lady?” Matteo asked as he joined us with a smirk. A hearty giggle escaped my chest.
Sergio considered this. “I doubt her cum is blue, but that would be awesome.”
“I cannot believe my sister hung out with you boys.” I shook my head as I refilled my coffee.
“Len? Len was a damn good time. Still have her bra.” Sergio waggled his eyebrows.
“What is wrong with you?” I asked. “Does Silas know this?”
“Hey, he’s the one who left it in my living room.” He held up his hands.
Tom changed the subject. “Rumor has it the groupies will be at the next week of shows. Nikki will love those blue hands.”
“Oh, Cee. You are going to love these women,” Sergio said animatedly.
“Don’t tell her!” Matteo shouted. “Let the whole thing be an experience.”
I looked amongst the three men. “Do I even want to know?” They all just smiled widely back at me.
They did not prepare me for the groupies.
They were a group of three women and a six-foot stuffed penis waiting for us in the parking lot of the venue before we had even arrived. When we exited the bus, they walked right up to us without Beth as much as lifting an eyebrow.
“Who do we have here?” The tallest of the women asked, nodding in my direction. She had beautiful, curly blonde hair and wore leather pants and a sequined crop top.
“This is Cee. She’s our assistant. You’re gonna love her.” Sergio wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
“Hey, Cee, I’m Nikki.” Nikki introduced the other two stunning women. Jessie was dressed in a short leather skirt, tall boots, and a tank top. Her long dark hair ran over her shoulders in box braids. The third woman, Kelly, was short with waist-length, straight red hair. She also had leather pants on but paired them with a band t-shirt that was knotted at her waist.