Page 21 of Beautiful Trauma
They looked pretty normal to me. “Nice to meet you all. Are you from the area?”
The trio let out a laugh. “No. I’m from Seattle, Jessie is from Dallas, and Kelly lives outside of Detroit,” Nikki explained.
“These ladies have been a tour staple since the Flight of the Dogs second or third tour. They are easy to find with Toasty tagging along,” Sergio added.
“Toasty?” I asked, raising a brow.
“The penis. We named him Toasty. He’s our tour mascot.” Jessie gave the giant stuffed dick an affectionate squeeze.
“I’m going to leave Cee here with you ladies while I get some shit done. Take care of her, it’s her first tour,” Sergio said with a wink as he excused himself.
“So, you hitting that?” Kelly asked me as soon as Sergio was out of earshot.
“Not currently. Any of you?”
Nikki laughed. “Nah. Kelly here would give her left tit for a piece of that, but much to her dismay, it hasn’t happened.”
“You said ‘not currently,’” Kelly pointed out after giving Nikki a punch in the arm.
“We had a one-time thing over a year ago. I’m in a relationship now. I can put in a word for you though, Kelly.”
“Is it huge? I bet it’s huge, right?” Her eyes lit up.
“It is of above-average size, yes,” I confirmed with a wink. “And he’s single, so since you ladies are going to be around a few days…” I left the suggestion floating in the wind. Sergio would either love me or hate me for this.
“We follow the tour for the next four shows,” Jessie confirmed.
“Let’s make sure they are a great four shows then, yeah?” I waggled my eyebrows at the women. “This is my last night, but that doesn’t mean we can’t use my influence for your benefit. Follow me, ladies.” I led the excited trio into the venue before the doors opened to the public.
That night’s show was a headlining gig at a notable rock club. The trio sat on bar stools next to me with our backs to the people setting up the stage, as I gave them some behind-the-scenes information about the two band members that hadn’t been famous for a decade, with Matteo’s obsession with dogs and Tom’s utter disdain for most vegetables being the highlights. I was careful not to get too personal, but I still wanted to give the super-fans some lesser-known information. It was fans like these that would help keep the momentum building.
Clubs were weird with the house lights on. In the bright lights I could see the wear and tear on the stools and the top of the bar. Once the bartenders completed their set up, they started selling us drinks. That was where things took a new turn. Someone dimmed the lights, and the doors opened to the public.
The opening act was a solo artist with his backup band. He wasn’t terrible, but his choice in attire was. He wore these tight, white leather pants. That was fine on its own, but the way he humped an amp in those pants during his performance caused a tear in the pants that could not be unseen.
Let's just say he was not well endowed.
As I watched the scene unfold in front of me, someone in the group took my empty glass and replaced it with a full one. I stood there, sipping gin and tonic, as I watched this guy continue to perform, not realizing he had a draft.
Or maybe not caring?
Someone from the club got his attention and there was a shirt wrapped around his front for the rest of his set.
I got sloppy drunk with the ladies. To the point I hadn’t noticed that a guy from Connor’s original band Flight of the Dogs, Leo, had popped in to catch the show with his wife, Maggie.
Leo and Maggie waited around for the guys to be available to chat after their show. As we all stood in a small area behind the venue, I decided I was mad at Leo for breaking up Flight of the Dogs.
Spoiler alert: It had nothing to do with Leo. I was just too drunk to care.
Just as I was yelling at Leo, Sergio came up beside me and took me by the arm. “Let’s take a walk to cool off there, killa.”
“But I want to punch him in the face,” I slurred.
“Jail isn’t a good look for you, bestie.” He led me down the street and into a store that claimed to be a liquor store but had some odd retail items besides the alcohol.
Like bubble bath.
The bubble bath distracted me, on prominent display right next to some band-aids, condoms, and toothpaste. “What the hell kind of store is this?” I asked loudly.