Page 63 of Beautiful Trauma
“I know you don’t think so, but we need to make her come with us. It’s the only way to make sure she doesn’t do anything stupid. After all the Kyle drama, I just don’t want to take any chances with my friends. I can’t lose anyone else.” Mish wrapped her arms around herself tightly. “She’s not a drug addict like he was, but I just don’t think it’s a good idea for us all to leave her for weeks on end while her son is also a thousand miles away.”
“Then I’ll stay.” I had to. There was no way I could leave her like this.
She scrunched up her face. “You can’t stay. You’re the drummer.”
I huffed in frustration. “Who is telling her she’s being packed up and put on a tour bus for three weeks or more?”
She held her hands up, “Not me. Probably Elle.”
I sent Mish back to Connor’s house while I tried to get my shit together before Cee woke up. I didn’t need her feeding off my bad energy. Is this close enough to rock bottom that she’ll fix herself? Mason is taking Wyatt, and she’s being forced to tour when all she wants to do is cry in bed. I promised Eli that I would make sure she came out on the other side of this, but so far, I felt like I was doing a shit job.
The next day, Mason brought Wyatt back over before taking him to D.C. for a while. Cee plastered on a brave face when Mason walked through the door, but her smile was obviously genuine when Wyatt went running into her arms.
“How’s my boy?” she asked, snuggling him close.
“The Senator is taking me to work!” Cee, and I chuckled. Mason ran a frustrated hand through his hair.
“Buddy, call me anything but that. You’re family. You can use a more familiar name,” Mason urged Wyatt. I wasn’t sure why it bothered Mason so much when Wyatt did this. I thought it was fucking adorable.
“The Senator is grumpy this morning because Megan quit,” Wyatt explained.
“Shit. Megs quit? She’s been working for you for years. That sucks,” Cee offered. Mason just nodded, watching Wyatt scramble to his room for a specific toy. “So, she wanted more now that you’re divorced or what?”
“What are you talking about?” Mason asked.
“Oh, come on. Everyone knows you’ve been screwing your assistant for years. I’m guessing you got divorced, and she thought you’d commit to her, and you won’t, so she quit.”
He went stone-faced. “I’m not discussing this with you.”
Cee shrugged and went to play with Wyatt in his room. Mason turned to me. “What’s your deal?” he asked gruffly.
“My deal? Not sure what you’re getting at,” I responded, standing taller.
“Eli died thirty seconds ago, and you’re already circling.”
“I’m her friend. Her boyfriend died. I’m being supportive. Unlike you, taking her kid hundreds of miles away,” I spat.
Mason rolled his eyes at me. “I have to go back to work. She’s in no shape to take care of him, and we both know that.”
He was right, and I said the same thing to her, but this guy was pissing me off. “This won’t help.”
He narrowed his eyes at me. “Who the fuck do you think you are? You realize you’re just the guy she’s fucking to get through the day, right?”
“Told you. Just a friend.” Who happened to fuck her when she insisted.
Mason snickered, “If you hurt her, I’ll fucking ruin you.”
“Are you threatening me? For what? You got a thing for her? Want to get with the baby mama for your image? That’s how you roll, right? It’s all about your image?”
“Fuck off.”
“Just saying, maybe I’m not the one circling here, is all.” I glared at him before knocking twice on the counter and walking away to join Cee and Wyatt.
“I don’t get it,” she announced, pausing the show.
“You don’t get what?” I asked.