Page 64 of Beautiful Trauma
“If they own a town, doesn’t it generate revenue for them? Like, they own all the land and people and businesses are using the land. Presumably at a cost.”
“Um, okay?”
“So, how is it that they are still so poor they can’t afford a place to live? Or to pay their food tab? Or buy a car? It’s a whole ass town, Gee. That’s got to pull in some cash.”
Wyatt started calling me “Gee,” and Cee followed suit. I kinda liked it. “I think the point is the government let them have the town because it was worthless.”
“Still, the people and businesses pay no rent?”
“It wouldn’t make for good television,” I offered in defense of the show.
She made a face. “Well, the fact they own the town and are dirt poor is ruining the show for me. He can’t pay the tab at the diner? If they aren’t paying him rent for the land, the least they can do is feed them. At least they are getting two rooms at the motel. The rest of the town doesn’t contribute?”
“Probably why it’s so hard to sell,” I laughed.
“Jonny is aiming too high. Don’t sell the whole town, sell the land to the people in it. And why wouldn’t they have a say in the governing of said town? Moira had to be elected to town counsel in a town she owns?”
I shrugged. “I agree. It's flawed. But can we just forget about that and enjoy the show?”
“How can I possibly enjoy the show when there are so many plot holes?”
The whole conversation felt so normal, like when we’d hang out when she joined us on tour. Except instead of being on the bus, we were sitting on the couch, which I took to be a step in the right direction. She was socializing and doing it outside of her bedroom.
“This was Kyle’s comfort show. He used to turn it on whenever he wanted to ignore the rest of us.”
“Eli and I would watch New Girl.” Tears pooled in her eyes but didn’t make it down her face.
“I’m going to have to watch that someday. Half the damn people on tour are quoting and referencing it all the time, and it just goes over my head.”
“Do you live under a rock?” she joked, trying to bring the conversation back to normal.
“Worse. On a tour bus. Plus, you know my vice is smutty books.” I waggled my eyebrows.
“Yeah, I need to get those ready. Back on the road in less than a week.”
Now was my chance to weave it in organically. “You could join me. We’ll find something to read together.”
She guffawed. “I don’t think that’s a great idea.”
Neither did I, but… “You’re just going to stay here alone? Everyone will be on tour and Wyatt will be with Mason.”
“I think being alone will be good for me.”
“I think you being alone right now is the worst thing. You need to come with us. Please.” I wanted her to agree to this, so she didn’t feel it was the ambush that it actually was.
“I’m not really in the mood to be on tour, Serge. All those people so close all the time.”
When she said it like that, I wasn’t really looking forward to the close living of tour life either. “No one expects you to be sunshine and roses, bestie.” I winked.
“Doesn’t Connor give some kind of bereavement leave? Surely, I qualify.”
“Kyle always handled staffing issues. And yes, he was very understanding. Your sister, on the other hand… she rules with an iron fist.”
Cee stuck out her tongue in disgust. “She can be such a fucking robot. Another reason not to go.”
“You have to come. I don’t want you here alone,” I pleaded.
She sat up and stared me down angrily. “Are you saying you aren’t taking no for the answer that it is?”