Page 80 of Cry Wolf
“What meeting?” She glared at him.
“The one you’re taking those files to.” He noticed that the tabs on the files had ranch names: The Lazy J, Redstone, and others.
She set the files down, drilled her fingers on top, and glanced up the winding staircase. A thought-provoking glint came to her eyes. “I suppose it’s inevitable that you’ll find the meeting and probably won’t leave until you do?”
He shrugged, admitting that she was right.
“Then, why don’t I take you there myself?”
“Thank you.” Glad that she’d caved, but not totally trusting her, he’d stay prepared for the unexpected.
She grabbed the files and led him up the stairs.
At the top, they found the guy in Dockers slacks. He gave them a nod as they walked by. She didn’t lead him through the double doors to Eli’s office but, instead, down the hallway, where the fire exit waited at the end.
Stephanie stopped in front of a large door with the words Conference Room on it. “I hope you know what you’re doing.” She opened the door and walked in.
Brett followed.
Sitting at a large table was an astonished Walter.
Eli Wheeler glared at Brett.
Val stood as if ready to escort him out.
Brett’s gaze went to the head of the table, where sitting as smug as a cat was Vanessa Cromwell.
Brett stared at her. Gone was the amiable woman. Her cropped silver-white hair and icy-blue eyes made her look cold and calculating. Dressed in a navy-blue designer suit with wide lapels, she slowly placed her elbows on the swivel chair’s arms. “Come in, Deputy Rollins. Have a seat.”
He had no intention of sitting. His gaze went to Walter, the man he’d thought so highly of, the man who had seemed to uphold the law without deviation. “This is a fine-looking group. What brings you all together? Could it be Blue Skies Corporation?”
“What are you babbling on about?” Walter asked. “I’m here talking to Eli and his son about a lawsuit the state might bring against his company. Vanessa is their attorney.”
Brett looked at Vanessa. She arrogantly tilted her head, as if challenging Brett.
So she’d lied when she’d said Eli didn’t want her to represent him? Brett wanted a verbal confirmation and turned to Eli. “Is she your lawyer?”
He cleared his throat and pulled at the cuffs of his Western-style shirt beneath his leather vest. “Yes, Ms. Cromwell finally agreed to represent us.”
“How long has she been your counsel?”
Eli looked at her. “Three years now?”
“Yes.” She smiled at him. “Once we got the formalities settled, we made great progress.”
Formalities? If she’d lied about representing Eli, had she also lied about Skinner and Blue Skies? Brett wouldn’t get a straight answer from the woman, but was there a connection between Blue Skies and Wheeler Management?
He focused on Eli. “Even though we’ve had our differences, I hope you’ll tell me the truth. Does your company own shares in Blue Skies Corporation?”
Eli stared at Brett, then tentatively answered, “That is another reason for this meeting. Vanessa and the attorney general would like us to buy in.”
“Wait a minute.” Walter stood and looked at Vanessa like she’d betrayed him. “I came here because you said I should bring my concerns to Eli regarding the lawsuit the state might bring against his auction house. You said that my being here in person would be a sign of good faith.”
“Walter, do you own shares in Blue Skies Corporation?” Brett asked.
“No.” He jostled his shoulder. “I’m busy enough serving the people of Montana.”
“That’s not what Vanessa said.” Brett turned to her.