Page 81 of Cry Wolf
Walter did as well.
Val scoffed. Up to this point, he’d been quietly watching the spectacle unfold before him. “Why are you here?” Brett asked Val.
Val shrugged. “I do what my father tells me to do.”
“Is that why you beat up a pregnant woman, because Daddy told you to?”
Eli glared at Val.
“By the way, Hayley gave birth to your son early this morning,” Brett said.
Stephanie gave an audible gasp from behind Brett. Better that she knew now what a piece of ill-will she was engaged to.
Val’s jaw tightened as he stared at Brett. But he wasn’t backing down. If Val was like Randy, he hid behind secrecy. The more people who knew what Val had done, the less likely it would be for him to repeat it.
“Hayley? Boyd Reece’s daughter? How could you?” Eli shook his head, disappointment in his son written all over his face.
“I didn’t. If she said I’m the father, she’s lying. And so is he.” Val pointed to Brett.
“Then take a DNA test and prove it,” Brett said.
“I will.” Val jutted his jaw out as if that hid his lie.
Hopeful that he would, Brett turned his attention to Vanessa. It seemed she was the woman holding all the answers about this gathering. “Vanessa, it looks like you set up a meeting with Eli and Val that they thought would be about Blue Skies. And you roped Walter into it under the false pretense that he could discuss a legal matter the state may have with his auction house. On top of that, you lied when you told me Walter was a shareholder in Blue Skies.”
“You did what?” Walter glowered at Vanessa.
“Mr. Attorney General, you know very well that Blue Skies will bring more money to the state. It will bring tourism, higher property value, and entertainment revenue, to name a few perks.” She turned from Walter and looked at Eli. “And more business to your land management. Imagine how much you’ll make if you own shares.” Her brows rose.
Brett met her gaze. And then, as if a thunderbolt hit him, he knew who was behind Matt’s death. “You hired the fingerless man who killed Matt.”
Blood drained from Vanessa’s face, even though she tried to look surprised at the accusation.
Brett was onto something. “Matt was Skinner’s attorney and was helping him fight the corporation, but then something went wrong. Did you tell Matt to lose the case? To back off?...And he wouldn’t.So you decided to get rid of the obstacle standing in your way?”
“Brett, you’ve stepped over the line.” Walter narrowed his eyes at him. “We know who killed my son.”
“No,youdon’t.” Brett shook his head in a swift arch. “You think you do. You want it to be her. But only because you’ve never liked Dania because of some stupid, ancient feud between your families. You believe she stole your son so you can cling to the hate.”
Walter held up his hand. “That is not the reason.” His eyes bore into Brett. “If that were the case, would I be raising her son? Would I have brought him into my home and my life?”
“You did that because he’s your grandson and is the last link you have to Matt.”
Walter looked away, and his shoulders slumped.
Brett wasn’t done giving them all a reality check. He scanned their faces. “Did you know Blue Skies has been running hostile takeovers of local ranches? Ranches that have been in families for generations.Ranchesmen and women have worked all their lives on. They are the backbone of this state—of America. Not the sleazy corporation that wants to develop the land and turn it into lavish homes, a golf course, and a landing strip for the rich and famous, who couldn’t care less about the people who have lived and died here.”
“I’ve heard of Blue Skies, but after this conversation, you can be sure I’ll have my office look into their business dealings.” Walter’s graying brows bunched together. “Brett, I was a judge before I became attorney general. There is no way I would put my reputation in jeopardy because of a shady land deal. Who do you think you’re talking to?”
Brett fixed his gaze on Walter. “Certainly not the father of my best friend who was murdered because he was fighting that corporation.”
Walter’s face paled. He sank back into his chair and looked as though Brett had sucker-punched him. “If I would have known what Matthew was dealing with, I would have reached out and helped him, if he would have let me.”
Brett pitied Walter, but the real culprit was Vanessa. He looked at her. He should handcuff her and take her in. But he needed physical proof to back up what he knew in his heart was the truth, and he didn’t have that yet.
He turned to Eli and Val. “Is Blue Skies the reason Val had an appointment with Matt the night before he died?” He shifted his gaze to just Val. “Or did Vanessa send you to him, hoping to pin Matt’s murder on you?”
Val’s shocked face blanched.