Page 21 of Killer (Project)
Once I got my hands on her, her ass was going to be grass. I could still feel the bruises against my ribs and the blood dripping from my nose. I wanted to be tough, even strong for her—but the truth was, I wasn’t. I was weak and the cancer slowly destroying me from the inside out made me that way. It didn’t matter though…
But it did, a little voice always said.
“Fuck it,” I grumbled into the night air as I got into my car and headed into town. I gripped the steering wheel as if it were an extension of my own body. Like it could hold me to the ground for the time being.
The drive was short, even though it felt like an eternity, as I pulled into the parking lot. She had watched me get my ass handed to me, yet here she was playing this game with me. Was this a copout for me to admit my feelings to her? She knew we were both alone in this, and eventually, she would be left behind.
I gripped the wheel harder. Stupid, that’s what she fucking was. Stupid and reckless, and… I couldn’t force the words from my mouth, but it was right there on the tip of my tongue.
She was beautiful.
It didn’t matter what way I tried to unravel it, everything would come back to her and me. There was no fighting something hell bent on happening. I opened my car door and slammed it shut with a push of my hand. My body still ached from the beating as I wormed my way through the parking lot. There were cars everywhere. It was no fucking wonder I never wanted to go to one of these functions. Too many people and too much wasted time.
I knew where they had one of the doors unlocked. So instead of heading for the entrance, I headed to the back and up the stairs to the second story greenhouse building that lead right into the school. I had taken Maggie up there once. It was my go-to place when I was feeling alone or needed time to myself.
I pulled my phone out and looked down at the text again. She hadn’t sent it more than fifteen minutes ago. It was a standard and straight to the point Maggie text.
Mags: I don’t like it here…
That was all it said. I read it over again for good measure before heading toward the doors that were located at the back of the gym. It was on that stroll to get Maggie that I heard a scream followed by male voices. I knew better than to be caught up in any more problems. I was beaten, I was bruised, and I had absolutely no reason to be playing the hero. Yet, something told me I needed to make sure it was all okay.
I headed in the direction of the scream and came to a standstill when my eyes landed on Roger leaning over Maggie on a table. She was pawing at one of his hands that were securing her arms while he wrapped his other hand around her mouth. Tears fell from her eyes… She thought this was the end for her. Her eyes connected with mine, and I could see the overwhelming surge of relief that formed inside her at seeing me.
“Oh, did you come to join, Diesel?” Roger asked as he followed Maggie’s line of sight. “I think there is room for two. I’ll take the pussy, you take the ass… After all, I know how much you love it in the ass. So you should have no problem taking hers.” He smirked, and I could no longer stop myself from reaching out and landing a blow against his cheek. He released Maggie to catch himself on one of the tables. How had the teachers allowed this to happen? They knew what they had done to Maggie. Roger and his little gang. I had told them. I had witnessed it. I had taken the pain for her on countless occasions. Yet somehow, someway, they had let this asshole get her all alone.
“Who the fuck do you think you are?” I questioned as my fist landed against his face. Not giving him a chance to answer me, I hit him again as he tried to regain his balance. I didn’t need him to answer me. I didn’t want to know who he thought he was. He was dirt beneath my feet to me—and to Maggie.
He fell to the floor, tripping over his own feet. I could hear Maggie’s muffled cries as she jumped off the table, tugging on her dress…
Maggie. I took a deep breath, my eyes popping open.
“Maggie,” I said the name aloud just to make sure I had heard it correctly.
“I’m right here.” Her voice was a faint whisper. My mind surged back to the present, but one word lingered there right in the void between the current and the past.
Was this Maggie the same Maggie from my past? And if so, why hadn’t the name triggered something inside of me by now? Better yet, what was it Maggie knew that she wasn’t telling me? If she were here, then she was pretending not to know me… and for some reason, it bothered me because if she were here on different terms, then that would put a target on her back.
A target I would be forced to take out.
The memories ofmy past were a living, breathing nightmare. Watching Killer suffer in agony over the same past that haunted me hurt. The fact he couldn’t remember the very things that we had gone through was another blow to my already broken heart. All the bullying Roger had put us through, the hateful things said and done, the kisses, and the stolen looks… all the things I would’ve called my very reason for existing back then.
I triggered something in him when Diesel slipped past my lips instead of Killer. Another memory. I could see it spiraling out of control. He was free falling into open waters.
Once he remembered everything, would he even look at me the same way? After all, I had been working for the very man who beat him up numerous times. The same man who had almost taken my virtue.
I thought my life was hell before Diesel—it was worse once he was gone. Fear lived inside of me every minute of the day. I lived for those seconds when school ended and I could go home. Not that it was safe there either. Eventually, Roger weaseled his way into every aspect of my life. With Diesel gone and no one to protect me, they took advantage of me. I could still remember my prayers for the pain to end.
“Maggie.” I heard my name being called, and I moved from my slouched back position to a sitting position. Three weeks had passed. Killer was much the same, minus the way he watched me. He would look at me differently, every so often staring when he didn’t think I was paying attention.
“Gauge.” I greeted him much as he greeted me. Cold and to the point. It was evident I wasn’t here to make friends. Still, it would’ve been nice to have been greeted like a human.