Page 20 of Sworn to the Alien
He leaned over, kissed my thigh, and gently patted my ass. “Don’t be too long.”
I headed to the bathroom and splashed water on my face.
My makeup was smudged and my hair was a mess.
How couldanybodywant to bedthat?
I reached into the makeup bag I’d brought with me and touched up my face.
It was important for an Elinz'ang toalwayslook the part.
We were meant to be every male’s fantasy… not a living nightmare!
I leaned over the sink and took a deep breath.
What am I doing? Seriously.
I had bedded Sleii’s chief business partner — a male I knew for a fact he respected and looked up to.
Was this some desire on my part to get back at him for dumping me and going with that other woman?
If it was, it was totally unconscious.
Itdidcomplicate things.
Then I had to remind myself that anything that happened between the Governor and me would have to remainstrictlysecret.
I couldn’t accompany him to social events as I couldn’t hope to have the same relationship I’d enjoyed with Sleii.
It wasn’t only for Sleii’s sake either.
There was the little fact that many of the Governor’s and Sleii’s social circles had seen us together.
That, by itself, wasn’t such a huge issue but did I really want everyone to know what my occupation was?
I didn’t want to embarrass the Governor, just as I would not want to embarrass myself.
Then there was the little case of that electric kiss we’d shared earlier…
I still couldn’t account for it nor fully explain how it had happened.
And it wasn’t just the kiss.
It had been there the entire time we were together, like a third person was in the room.
It was there every time he touched me, every time helookedat me, and I felt a weak giddiness in the pit of my stomach.
It was a sensation I had never experienced before, nor was it one I wanted to experience forever.
I finished touching up my makeup, had a quick pee — which wasanything butquick — and then returned to the suite.
The Governor lay in bed, the sheet pulled up over him, his knee bent and pitching the blanket.
With the soft bedside lamps glowing, he could have been on the cover of a Chi fashion mag.
With his chiseled, toned physique, square chin, and misty look on his face, I was certain many females would have fallen head over heels for him.