Page 21 of Sworn to the Alien
I got into bed and slid underneath the sheet.
He kissed me on the cheek — and I felt that familiar electrical charge shimmer through me — before wrapping his arm around me and pulling me in close.
He was still naked and I felt the throb of his thick cock against the back of my thighs.
“Why haven’t you dated anyone?” I asked with all sincerity.
“I’ve been… busy governing Enchor’s Heart.”
I nodded. “Itisa very busy job. I’ve seen you working long hours. But still… there’s time to meet someone, isn’t there?”
I shuffled around to lay on my front and look over at him. “There must bemanyfemales interested in you.”
He made a popping sound with his lips. “Maybe there are, maybe there aren’t. I can’t say I’ve given it much thought.”
I sensed there was something else there, something he wasn’t telling me. “You were married once before…”
“Yes,” he said, and for a moment, his face fell, and that misty expression faded from his face.
He looked over his shoulder but there was nothing there save the soft yellow light of a glowing lamp.
Good work! My job is to make himhappyand here I am doing the exact opposite!
“Sorry,” I said, reaching out and placing a hand on his arm. “I didn’t mean to pry.”
He shook his head. “It’s all right. It’s a natural question to ask. I just… try not to think about it.”
I thought back to the few moments I had posed the same question to Sleii after our various social engagements.
He had always been very tightlipped on the subject too.
I had always assumed he didn’t know the truth, that the Governor hadn’t even spoken with him about it… but now I realized it was something neither of them felt comfortable discussing.
Something dark, maybe even sinister.
I shuffled over and pressed my breasts against him.
I placed my hand on his tense abs and gently kissed his shoulder.
He raised his arm and I tucked myself underneath it, getting a little closer to him.
He draped his arm over me but the moment — if indeed there had even been one — for lovemaking was gone.
“My wife… was the light of my life,” he said.
We enjoyed traveling, going on adventures to far-flung places. In fact, that was how we met. On a far-flung planet.”
“Even farther flung than Enchor’s Heart?”
He nodded. “Yes. Even more so. I knew she was just like me right away. And I was just like her. That was our bond. That free spirit, the desire to travel vast expanses and explore. Go on adventures.”
I grinned up at him. “Sounds wonderful.”
He nodded. “It was. Until…”
He didn’t need to complete the sentence as I could do it for him:
Until she died.