Page 56 of Sworn to the Alien
If I did wake him up, I would just tell him I was on my way to the bathroom.
I began to pull on my clothes.
And if I managed to wake him up now?
Then I would say I was on my way downstairs to get some milk.
I would tell him to go back to sleep and continue with my plan for the Blue Orb.
I felt terrible about his experience with his wife.
No one deserved such a fate.
Least of all someone as kind and gentle as the Governor.
I grabbed my things, shoved them in my bag, moved to the door, and looked back over my shoulder at the still-sleeping figure.
What would my excuse be for when he woke up and found I was no longer there?
That I wasn’t sure if he wanted his servants to know I stayed the night.
Although, I supposed they werealwaysgoing to find out somehow.
I shut the door and hustled down the hallway, listening carefully in case I heard a servant.
Hearing none, I raced down the stairs, once again listening every few steps.
I didn’t want anyone to see me, not until I had snatched the Blue Orb and gotten away from the palace.
I checked down either hallway, relieved the palace was so quiet.
Then I rushed toward the office the Governor used to store his travel souvenirs.
I crept inside, hastened over to the shelf, grabbed the Blue Orb, and tucked it in my bag.
I immediately backed up, and hurried down the hallway, turning the corner.
The exit was just ahead.
I’m going to make it!
Then I heard voices and skidded to a halt.
I placed my back against the wall and, realizing the voices coming from around the next corner, I hastily turned back the way I had come, shoved open another random door, and shut it behind myself.
I turned to find I was in one of the drawing rooms, home to some of the official artefacts the Governor had shown me earlier.
As I backed up, my elbow hit something.
I nearly leapt out of my skin as I spun around.
There, tilting, teetering on its edge, was a historical bowl intricately inlaid with complex carvings.
It looked like it was going to fall over the edge.
I lunged forward to catch it.
As I did, my bag caught the plinth it was standing on.