Page 57 of Sworn to the Alien
The extra force added to its momentum, causing it to spill over the edge and smash onto the floor.
Oh. My. God.
A siren wailed and thick beams of light slammed down from the ceiling.
They were transparent but tinged turquoise-white.
I yelped, turned to run, but found the turquoise walls on every side.
The voices I heard earlier shouted up, running down the hallway.
I shut my eyes and cried to myself:
“This can’t be happening! This can’t be happening! This can’t be happening!”
But itwashappening!
I had stolen the Blue Orb and managed to get away…
And then triggered the security system!
What was I going to do?
How was I going to explainthis?
No excuses came to mind.
I would just say I came downstairs, I decided.
I came to get a glass of milk to help me sleep, got lost, and accidentally broke an item…
But when the security officers found me, they would search me… and find the Blue Orb.
They might not recognize it but the Governor certainly would.
And he would expect answers.
Why steal it?
Of all things in the palace, why that?
Just then, the door beganto crack open.
I crouched, attempting to hide behind the plinth but it was too thin and I couldn’t fit.
I wastrapped.
There wasnowherefor me to escape to.
A figure stepped into the room.
Invisible,I mumbled to myself.I’m invisible!
Believe it and it becomes true.
“Layla?” a deep, familiar voice said.
I perked up.