Page 58 of Sworn to the Alien
It was the Governor.
Hehad found me first.
Not security.
I had a chance, I realized.
He wouldn’t search me.
I could still get out of this!
Then his eyes slipped down to my bag, hanging half open.
There, amongst my personal things, sat his precious Blue Orb.
And his eyes rose to mine.
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I’d been enjoying a relaxing dream when the alarm went off.
I instinctively rolled out of bed and onto the floor, grabbing for the blaster pistol I kept tucked under my pillow… only, I no longer did that and hadn’t since I’d been in the Space Marines.
It was a habit hard-wired into me on countless training missions and endless drills.
It was so much a part of me now that I didn’t think I could break free from it even if I tried.
I glanced over at the other side of the bed and saw Layla wasn’t there.
The blankets were disturbed, so the dream I’d had of making sweet love to her couldn’t have only been in my mind.
She had been here and she must have gotten up and left early.
My breath hitched in my throat.
And then the security system went off.
I bolted to my feet and sprinted for the door.
Someone hadn’t broken in to kidnap her, had they?
Surely not.
No one even knew we were together yet!
In my fear, I had assumed the very worst outcome.
No, I thought. Thatcan’thave been the reason for the alarm system going off.
I paused at the door and looked back at the room.
Layla’s bag wasn’t there and neither was the shawl she’d brought with her.
For a moment, I wondered if maybe she hadn’t just gone for a walk, finding it difficult to sleep in a strange place.