Page 45 of Twisted Throne
Chapter Nineteen
The hurt expression on Gia’s face was still replaying in my head the next day. So tough in the clinch, so idealistic when she was safe. The world she’d chosen didn’t match the world in her head, and I didn’t know how to teach her the difference without breaking her utterly.
I needed to get my shit together before I finalize plans for the operation with Carlos and Ricky. There could be no mistakes tonight. We would cripple Sabitino, and as long as everything went according to plan, this would get me the proof that I needed to crush Alec and cut off the stream of intel he was feeding to Antonio. Then I could focus on making Emilio pay for daring to lay a finger on Gia.
Carlos and Ricky were standing in the front entrance, listening intently to Bear, who leaned against one of the carved pillars framing the front door. Although Ricky would be taking lead on the operation tonight, Bear would go along with him to oversee things. He had been with the family for many years, focusing mainly on overseeing security and training for those who needed it. This was a huge opportunity for Ricky, but we couldn’t afford to not have someone more experienced as his right hand, for backup if need be.
“Walk with me,” I said as I approached Carlos and Ricky, giving Bear a quick nod on my way past. and gave Bear a quick nod. from where they were lazing around the front entryway. They followed me outside, and I waited until we were far enough into the garden and away from the house that we couldn’t be easily overheard. Tonight's operation relied on absolute secrecy.
“Carlos, you’ll be with me tonight,” I told him. “We’ll go with Alec to the docks while Ricky and Bear take the men to the warehouse. Ricky, you’re running this, with Bear as your second. Does everyone understand?”
They both nodded. Carlos’ face was void of all emotion. He knew the importance of tonight in regards to the set up with Alec. I could tell Ricky was nervous, which made sense. This was the first time he’d taken lean in a large operation. But despite his nerves, he couldn’t quite contain the grin of excitement that stretched across his face. in agreement.
“I went with Frank and scouted the place out earlier, only counted maybe seven or eight of Sabitino’s thugs there. A couple molotov cocktails will make her blow quick when it hits the stash. We’ll surround the perimeter and take out anyone that makes it out,” Ricky spoke up.
“See to it no one does,” I instructed. “Carlos, Alec will ride with us, he won’t realize the rest of the guys aren’t following until we get there.”
“And if we see that they were tipped off?” Carlos asked me, unconsciously fingering the butt of the gun at his hip.
“We keep our mouths shut and get Alec back here to Angelo,” I responded. “He’ll handle it from there, and if he needs us, we’ll be ready.”
Carlos nodded shortly.
“Speak of the devil,” I muttered as I spotted Alec making his way across the lawn toward us.
“Ricky, go,” I commanded him.
“I just checked in with Angelo,” Alec said, scowling as Ricky passed by him. “He told me to see you for the details on the hit tonight.”
He glanced between Carlos and myself, lips pressed together. “Did I miss something?” he asked, a touch of suspicion in his voice.
“You and Carlos are with me, we leave at ten,” I said, deliberately avoiding his question. “Ricky and Frank will meet us there, then we move.”
“Fine,” he said shortly.
“Don’t pout, Alec, it doesn’t suit you.” I couldn’t resist fucking with him a little.
“Go to hell,” he tossed back over his shoulder as he moved back toward the house.
“Insolent piece of shit, isn’t he?” Carlos said, stepping up beside me.
“Not for long,fratello. Not for long.”
The warehouse lot was empty, yellowed streetlights glaring dully across the cracked pavement. Carlos pulled around behind one of several unused, rusty storage containers and killed the lights.
“Where the fuck is everyone else?” Alec snapped as we exited the car.
I busied myself with adjusting the bulletproof vest I wore, although if things worked as planned, I wouldn’t need it.
“We’re going to double-check the patrols, make sure nothing’s changed since we checked it out,” I said evenly. “We’ll give it a once-over, then tell Ricky and Bear to move in with the rest of the men.”
Alec nodded, then checked his side weapon and stepped forward.
“Let’s get to it then,” he said.