Page 46 of Twisted Throne
We wove between the units, finding nothing but silence and emptiness on this side of the lot. As we neared the more active area of the docks, we slowed, each step deliberate and silent.
“Remember, we just look,” I instructed them. “No action until I say so.”
Without waiting for confirmation, I split to the right, keeping in the shadows.
I worked my way through the rundown buildings, thankful for the busted lights above. I skirted around the corner of the last section of storage units. Seeing no one, I darted across the rough paved area that opened in front of me.
Catching sight of Carlos to the left, I motioned for him to circle around to the far side. It was still dark over there, but he could get to the high ground to see Sabitino’s deliveries—and more importantly, get eyes on the security setup.
I moved cautiously forward until I was close enough to see across to the area of customs where the shipments were being held.
I knew it.
There were three times as many men on patrol as there were when we scouted it out yesterday. They were all on high alert, and armed to the teeth. Sabitino had been tipped off. And now I had all the proof I needed to take Alec’s ass down.
I backed away into the shadows. When I was certain I could no longer be seen, I sent a text to Carlos and Alec.
Pull back and regroup.
I made my way silently back to the car. Both Carlos and Alec appeared minutes later.
“What the fuck is going on?!” Alec said as he stormed over to me. “You said there was minimal security here?”
“Keep your goddamn voice down,” I snarled at him. “And there was minimal security here yesterday. Someone told them we were coming.”
“What? And you fucking think it was me?” He stepped toward me and I pulled my gun, aiming it square between his eyes. At this distance, I couldn’t miss.
“It doesn’t matter what I think,amico,” I said coldly. “Although I’m sure Angelo would like a word with you.”
Carlos came up behind Alec and slammed the butt of his gun into his head, dropping him to the cracked and broken pavement.
“He was getting on my fucking nerves,” he told me, holstering his pistol.
“Mine too,fratello,” I replied. “Help me get him in the backseat. Cuff his hands in case he wakes up before we get to the house. Angelo will be waiting for us at the house.”
We hefted Alec’s limp form into the car, none too gently, and cuffed his hands behind his back after I relieved him of his weapons.
Carlos pulled out of the lot, turning his lights on again when we reached the main road. My phone buzzed and I checked the ID. Ricky.
“Yes?” I answered.
“Everything went down smooth, no issues. The fucker went up like a volcano, we took out about eight outside, not sure how many were inside,” he informed me. “But anything or anyone that was in there is in about a million bloody pieces now, boss.”
“Well done,” I replied. “I’ll let Angelo know when I get to the house. We’ll talk tomorrow.”
I disconnected the call and let out a deep breath.
“All right?” Carlos asked me.
“Fine,” I said abruptly, cutting off any further comments. We pulled in the drive to the house just as Alec began to stir in the back. Angelo was standing at the top of the steps, a grim look upon his face.
Chapter Twenty
“Gia! Sit the fuck down already!” Lucy half shouted at me from where she sat on the couch in my sitting room, legs tucked underneath her.
Elena shot her an exasperated look from where she sat in the armchair across from her but made no comment on her language this time.