Page 68 of Expecting in Oceans
“Because it’s complicated,” Istil said. “That isn’t exactly the situation.”
Kai piped up, breaking the thick tension. “Hey, let me show the rest of you to your rooms! We can give you some space to catch up, yeah?”
“Thank you, Kai,” said Istil.
Everyone left, and when he realized I wasn’t going anywhere, Thran’s eyebrow lifted.
“Ahh,” he said. “I see. I have to admit, Ari never struck me as your type.”
“I didn’t think I was, either,” I said, going to Istil’s side.
“We’ve agreed to try things out until the baby comes,” Istil said.
“So, you’re not mates,” said Thran. “I don’t understand why you didn’t send word about this sooner. You’re already so far along.”
“I know,” said Istil. “And I’m sorry. It was all so unexpected, and I knew that once I shared it with you, the clan would know. I wasn’t ready for that pressure. And I was worried you wouldn’t be happy.”
“Why would I not be anything but ecstatic?” Thran said. “I’m your cousin. I’m delighted for you.”
“You’re also the Protector I look up to the most, and it would crush me to hear you be disappointed in me.”
“There aren’t very many things you could do that would disappoint me, Istil, and this is definitely not one of them.”
Thran crossed his arms and looked me up and down, then prodded my bicep with two fingers. “Hm. I suppose he’s not bad,” he said. “You could do worse.”
“You should see him with his robe off,” said Istil. “You probably would’ve gotten pregnant, too, if you were in my place.”
I felt hot blood flowing to my face as the two of them turned to look at me like I was stark naked and exposed.
“Perhaps,” Thran said, smirking. “But I prefer some fighting spirit.”
“Oh, Ari may not be a warrior, but he is a fighter.”
“Tolerance for pain?” Thran asked.
I cleared my throat and took a step back. “I think you two have a lot to catch up on. Take your time.”
As I quickly made my exit from the courtyard, I heard their laughter floating through the trees. Things seemed to have gone well. Much better than anticipated.
I found the others outside. Thran’s mate was doing some kind of fire acrobatics for Kai, jumping and flipping through the air like he was riding a wave made of flames. Kai looked like he was going to soil himself in excitement or give himself another respiratory attack.
“Calm yourself,” I said, patting his shoulder. “I don’t want to have to resuscitate you.”
“You’ve gotta see this shit, Ari,” Kai said.
Baleon ran up the side of a palm tree and shot up several dozen feet, twirling around with flames trailing like a mad whirlwind. He landed, and we all applauded.
“Are Thran and Istil still talking?” Baleon asked.
“Yes, I figured they needed some space.”
“Let me guess. They started talking about you,” he said with a sympathetic smile. “Welcome to my world, friend. They’re used to sharing partners, so they always end up talking about stuff like how good you fucked them the night before, right in front of your face. Don’t worry. You get used to it.”
“What is it with you Othos?” Kai said, slinging his arm around Visir’s neck. “Should we be worried we’re gonna get swapped out for something harder and longer?”
“Once we’ve chosen a mate, it’s for life,” Visir said matter-of-factly. “I’m afraid you’re stuck with me.”