Page 71 of Expecting in Oceans
Kai parked the cart at the beachfront house and we walked the rest of the way after picking up wakka and picnic materials from inside. Oli broke away from the group and dashed ahead, shrieking with excitement as his feet hit the water.
“Never thought the ocean could get more beautiful than back home at Old Shore Port,” Rainor said. “But this… This is damn spectacular. What do you think, Delos? Time for a swim?”
“If it’ll stop me from melting away,” Delos replied.
“Papa!” shouted Oli. “Come on, the water is great!”
“Let’s go, buddy,” Rainor said as he tugged off his shirt and tossed it aside onto the sand.
Kai was giving Baleon some quick pointers on how to ride a wakka, while Thran, Istil, and I rolled out a bamboo sitting mat, and Haru, Theo, and Eli unpacked the food and beverages.
“Come swim with me,” Istil said to Thran. “Ari and I can teach you.”
“Something’s swimming towards us!” Oli shrieked, splashing frantically back to the sand.
I looked out to the water and saw Makoa’s unmistakable shape breaking through the waves. His fins tossed up a shower of spray as he crested and disappeared beneath the surface, leaving a trail of foam in his wake.
“It’s Makoa, no worries!” Kai said. “He’s my brother!”
Makoa resurfaced in his human form, slowly rising out of the water as he strode up the shore onto the sand.
“Welcome to T’Wanu Na, new friends,” he boomed. He crouched in front of Oli, who was staring up at him with his mouth hanging open. “What’s your name, little brotha?”
“I’m Makoa. Oli, how well can you swim?”
“Good, I think,” Oli said.
“Want me to show you something fun?” He held out a meaty arm. “Climb up. Don’t worry, I got you.”
Makoa took Oli’s hand and helped him to step up onto his outstretched arm. Then he stood up with the boy perched there like a parrot.
“I’m gonna toss you. Ready?”
“Count of three. One. Two. Three!”
Makoa heaved Oli over his head. The boy tumbled high across the sky and splashed down into the water, hollering triumphantly when he resurfaced.
“That was amazing!” Oli said.
Makoa’s laugh boomed across the beach as he came up the sand to meet the rest of us.
“You know Haru and Thran,” Kai said. “But you’ve not met Rainor, Delos, and Baleon here. Delos is Oli’s father. And Rainor is—”
Makoa and Rainor stepped towards each other, puffing out their massive chests, arms taut with bulging veins. They eyed each other with the intensity of a silent argument, and we watched, confused about what exactly was going on. Then, with a nod of approval, they both swung an arm forward and clasped hands in a powerful handshake that no doubt would have crushed coal into diamonds.
“I sense a beautiful friendship blossoming,” Istil said.
“The muscle bond is a wonderous thing,” remarked Visir.
“Makoa, right?” Rainor said with a grin. “I’m Rainor.”
“My brotha in bulk,” Makoa replied. “Good to meet you, Rainor.”
Kai swatted Makoa’s shoulder. “Come on, I’m gonna show Baleon how to ride waves. I’ve got a feeling he’s gonna be a natural—for a fire dragon.”