Page 70 of Expecting in Oceans
Kai leaned over and whispered to me. “Doesn’t he kind of remind you of Makoa?”
I looked over and saw Rainor was making our biggest stallion look like a pony.
“Absolutely,” I said.
Kai drove the cart onto the beach road, and Haru announced that he and Rainor had packed a basket of firewater, cured boar, and several types of cheese.
“We’ll have to give you some of our local specialties to take home,” I said.
“I would love that,” Haru said. “I became a big fan of luyu the last time I was here. I’ve been dying to try it again.”
“We can definitely make that happen,” Kai said.
Haru broke open his basket, and we snacked on fruit from the garden paired with shots of his homemade firewater.
“Can I try some, Pop?” Oli asked.
“As long as you don’t say anything about it to your dad,” Delos said as he struggled against the cart’s rocking to pour out a small amount.
“I remember the first time I tried firewater,” Baleon said. “I thought it was absolutely—”
Oli tipped the glass to his mouth and immediately sprayed the contents across the cart, right into Baleon’s face.
“I’m sorry, Uncle Baleon,” Oli cried as everyone laughed.
“All good,” Baleon said, mopping back his red hair. The firewater on his skin sizzled and turned to steam in a matter of seconds.
Haru nudged Oli’s arm. “Don’t worry, kiddo. I brought some juice along, just for you. Want some juice?”
“Yes, please.”
Baleon nodded at me. “So, you got Istil pregnant, huh? That’s one hell of an accident—OW!”
Suddenly, Thran had Baleon’s arm locked behind him. “Stop speaking, my love,” Thran said.
“Oh, this hot island air is making you feisty,” Baleon replied. He broke free from the arm lock and the two of them began to do what seemed like a choreographed duel in their seats, striking and blocking over and over.
“Please, you two, save it for the bedroom,” said Theo, who was sitting on Baleon’s other side and being bumped into. “There are children present.”
“Yeah, like this one,” Thran said, getting Baleon in a headlock.
“Hey, you mated me,” Baleon retorted, prying at Thran’s bicep.
Rainor howled with laughter.
“This was definitely not intended,” said Istil, smiling as he stroked his bump. “I’d taken all the precautions, but I guess Ari’s seed is just that powerful.”
Delos held his palms over Oli’s ears.
“Ah, I might be partially to blame for that,” Eli said with an apologetic chuckle. “If my potion had been better…”
“I’m sure there was absolutely nothing wrong with your potion,” I told him.
“So Ari confirms it,” Kai said. “He’s got super-potent seed.”
“That’s not what I meant,” I grunted as everyone laughed again.