Page 13 of Rebel Vengeance
What the actual fuck?? I bellow in the midst of a conversation the guys and I were having about upgrading the security system at the clubhouse.
“You alright, Torch?” Eagle asks with concern.
“No, I’m not alright. I’m fucking pissed!” I reply as I turn my phone around for the guys to see. When they see the images, their faces morph into an angry bunch of Rebels. Here we were enjoying ourselves when my phone vibrated with an incoming text. When I opened the message, several images of Lizzie shopping at the plaza were on the screen. I continued to scroll and my heart felt like it was going to explode. There in full color was an image of Harper playing in the yard with Saint and a message that read,“you can’t keep them both safe.”
“Looks like we need to upgrade our security as soon as possible and get some extra guys posted at your place. I’ll call Micah to see if he’s heard anything from Zeke because shit just got real,” Eagle exclaims as he takes out his phone.
“That asshole has a death wish!” Krack exclaims.
“Yes, he does. If he thinks I’m going to sit back while he threatens my family, he better think again. I will end his ass without a second thought. It’s crazy how he didn’t learn his lesson when I handled his ass before.” I wonder out loud. This makes no sense to be this angry over something he should’ve known was coming. He threatened what’s mine and I dealt with him. I’m glad Micah is on board with whatever happens because when I get my hands on him, he’s going to wish for death to come and snatch his soul.
Eagle decides we need to have church. Alise and Lizzie are not too happy to see us all heading inside. Shooting her a quick text, I promise to make this up to her when we get home. We can’t hold off on planning any longer and since we’re all here, we might as well set the plan of action in motion. Once the meeting is called to order, I waste no time saying what’s on my mind.
“I don’t think I should go to Sturgis next week,” I suggest to Eagle. This particular trip is important because we have a new buyer for Bardot’s Whiskey. With the amount of whiskey we’re unloading there, Sturgis is one of our most lucrative runs. Gideon aka Eagle’s family owns Bardot’s Distillery. When Eagle’s adoptive father died, his younger brother took over the business. Eagle wanted no part of it, but he did want to profit from it. Running a business was never in the cards for him. Being the president of the Rebel Souls was not only his destiny, but it was also his legacy. Turns out, the former president, Jake, was Eagle’s biological father. He was led to believe that Jake was his uncle and his adoptive father had him killed to protect his secrets.
That was a messy situation that lead to Franklin Bardot committing suicide when Eagle confronted him about everything. Eagle is more determined than ever to carry on Jake’s legacy of not getting into shady shit like the Devils do. Not saying that what we do is totally legal, but it’s easier to cover up if trouble finds us.
“Lizzie and Harper can stay here while you make the run. You’re the only one that the buyers are comfortable with, Torch. I promise, your girls will be safe,” Eagle says, trying his best to reassure me, but it’s not working. The only way I know they’re safe for sure is if I’m here watching over them. It’s unrealistic to believe that they will never be out of my sight, I just don’t trust anyone else with their safety. Eagle is right though, the buyers in Sturgis don’t trust anyone but me to make sure the transactions go smoothly. They’re willing to pay the price to not deal with wholesale companies. Everybody wins.
Breathing a heavy sigh, I realize that I don’t really have a choice. I’m duty bound and although I don’t like it, I’m going to trust that my family will be safe here at the clubhouse. This place is like a fortress and no one gets in without being detected. I’ll just have to get my ass back here as soon as our business is complete. Even with this added security measure, I’m still feeling anxious.
“Krack, Digg, and Kendrich will go with you as always. Caleb, I want you to post up by Janie’s place. Frank, you hang out near Torch’s parent’s place and Nitro you stick by Lizzie. Knight, I want you to go into town and talk to MoMa. See if she’s seen Zeke or heard anything about his whereabouts. Octavious, tap into the traffic cams and keep a watch out for that fucker,” Eagle orders, giving everyone their assignments.
Octavious aka Gearhead is a hacker that knows his shit. He can hack into any bank system, background, DMV, you name it, he can get into it. If Zeke rolls through Iron Forge, we’ll know immediately. I’m not sure how he’s managed to stay off our radar considering all the trouble he’s caused in the past, but now he’s a direct threat that must be dealt with. I refuse to allow my wife to live in fear. Once we finalize our plan, we rejoin the party and try to enjoy the rest of the evening. In reality, I won’t rest until that fucker, Zeke, is dead.
Tomorrow, I leave for Sturgis and although we’ve put a plan in place, I still don’t feel good about leaving. Lizzie has her pink glock ready and loaded. The thought of her having to possibly use it again doesn’t sit well with me. My wife has killed a man and for a long time she had nightmares about it. It’s not that she was sad about it, because the man deserved it. It was the same man who trafficked her when she was fifteen. If I were a movie director, I couldn’t make up the shit that transpired all those years ago. The Devils managed to be in business with the same man that changed Lizzie’s life. Zeke deserved to die that night, but we were in a truce with the Devils so Eagle only allowed me to hurt him. For someone who can’t win against me, that fucker sure loves to dance with the devil. If he does anything to hurt my family, he won’t live to see another day.
Sunday dinner at my parent’s home is always special. It almost takes my mind off of leaving my family tomorrow. Saint especially loves when we come over here because he gets a much-needed break from Harper putting her clothes on him. Lizzie is an amazing cook, but no one makes a more tender pot roast than my mother. After my father had a heart attack nearly seven years ago, they’ve adapted to a healthier lifestyle, but on Sundays, she cooks his favorite meal. It was one of the scariest things that ever happened in my life. As a veteran, I’ve seen some scary things, but almost losing my father ultimately changed my outlook on relationships. The pain of losing someone close to my heart was too much for me to handle with my PTSD. However, when Lizzie came along, I found myself drawn to her. She’s the only woman to ever penetrate my walls and show me that love is worth the risk.
Part of the reason that I’m on edge is my fear of losing not only her, but Harper as well. I couldn’t bear it. Without realizing it, my muscles lock up and anger wells inside me, causing the veins in my neck to pulsate but it quickly fades as I remember I’m in the presence of my family. Falling in love was never in the cards for me, but Lizzie has changed that. She is my soul-match in every way, so I need to deal with this Zeke situation as quickly as possible. Looking around the table, I observe my family, taking in each one of their faces, and enjoy the laughter. Janie is such a great aunt and Harper loves her and loves spending time with her. When Janie starts grabbing plates, I follow suit and help her. Once we’re in the kitchen, I lower my voice and whisper to her,
“Hey, everything is set tomorrow for when I leave. Please don’t give Caleb a hard time. He’s only doing what Gideon asked him to do to keep everyone safe. I know that you’re more than capable of protecting yourself, but we need to take more precautions because of the pictures sent to me.”
Folding her arms, she looks at me in exasperation and replies,
“I won’t give him any trouble. I’m not going to risk anything, especially when it comes to Lizzie and Harper. If you’re doing all this, then I know the threat is real. Besides, Caleb is kinda cute. I don’t mind him guarding my body.”
“You do know he has a girlfriend?”
“Since when?” She asks, surprised at the revelation, yet has no reason to know about anything that happens at the clubhouse.
“Since now. Her name is Rue and they’ve been spending a lot of time together, so he’s off limits. I don’t need you causing unnecessary drama with the Rebel women.”
“Don’t worry big brother, I’ll play nice and keep my hands to myself, but she better hold onto him tight. Just kidding!” She immediately says after I give her a look that says, stop fucking around.
Giving her a quick hug, I walk back into the dining room and tell my parents that we’re going to head out. Harper is tired and I need to do some last-minute packing for the trip. Lizzie will be going to the clubhouse later tomorrow morning after breakfast. Nitro is already at my place securing the grounds and making sure no one is scoping out our property. My parents aren’t happy about Frank hanging out by their house, but they understand that it needs to happen and it’s only temporary. Knowing my mother, she’ll have him set up in the guest room and feed him three meals a day. I laugh to myself, thinking of how nurturing she is to my Rebel brothers.
We ride in silence through the quiet streets of Iron Forge. Harper is already asleep when we finally make it home and Saint climbs onto her bed just as tired as she is. Turning out the light, I stare at my little nugget as her night light illuminates her tiny face and I can’t imagine how anyone would want to hurt an innocent child just for payback. It’s not adding up. There has to be something else at play here, but what, I don’t know. All I know is, I have to protect my family at all costs.
Leaving Harper’s door slightly ajar, I turn and head back to my bedroom. Once I’m there, I find my wife sitting on the edge of the bed waiting for me. Shutting the door, I move closer to her and notice her eyes. They’re filled with worry and shining with unshed tears. Pulling her onto my lap, I speak softly,
“What’s the matter, little flame?”
“I don’t want you to go,” she sobs as the floodgates open.